Tag - TDataSet

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HTTP remote access for SynDB SQL execution

For mORMot, we developed a fully feature direct access layer to any RDBMS, implemented in the SynDB.pas unit.

You can use those SynDB classes to execute any SQL statement, without any link to the framework ORM.
At reading, the resulting performance is much higher than using the standard TDataSet component, which is in fact a true performance bottleneck.
It has genuine features, like column access via late-binding, an innovative ISQLDBRows interface, and ability to directly access the low-level binary buffers of the database clients.

We just added a nice feature to those classes: the ability to access remotely, via plain HTTP, to any SynDB supported database!

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Introducing mORMot's architecture and design principles

We have just released a set of slides introducing  ORM, SOA, REST, JSON, MVC, MVVM, SOLID, Mocks/Stubs, Domain-Driven Design concepts with Delphi,  and showing some sample code using our Open Source mORMot framework. You can follow the public link on Google Drive! This is a great opportunity to  […]

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Support of MySQL, DB2 and PostgreSQL

We just tested, benchmarked and validated Oracle MySQL, IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL support for our SynDB database classes and the mORMot's ORM core.
This article will also show all updated results, including our newly introduced multi-value INSERT statement generations, which speed up a lot BATCH insertion.

Stay tuned!

Purpose here is not to say that one library or database is better or faster than another, but publish a snapshot of mORMot persistence layer abilities, depending on each access library.

In this timing, we do not benchmark only the "pure" SQL/DB layer access (SynDB units), but the whole Client-Server ORM of our framework.

Process below includes all aspects of our ORM:

  • Access via high level CRUD methods (Add/Update/Delete/Retrieve, either per-object or in BATCH mode);
  • Read and write access of TSQLRecord instances, via optimized RTTI;
  • JSON marshaling of all values (ready to be transmitted over a network);
  • REST routing, with security, logging and statistic;
  • Virtual cross-database layer using its SQLite3 kernel;
  • SQL on-the-fly generation and translation (in virtual mode);
  • Access to the database engines via several libraries or providers.

In those tests, we just bypassed the communication layer, since TSQLRestClient and TSQLRestServer are run in-process, in the same thread - as a TSQLRestServerDB instance. So you have here some raw performance testimony of our framework's ORM and RESTful core, and may expect good scaling abilities when running on high-end hardware, over a network.

On a recent notebook computer (Core i7 and SSD drive), depending on the back-end database interfaced, mORMot excels in speed, as will show the following benchmark:

  • You can persist up to 570,000 objects per second, or retrieve 870,000 objects per second (for our pure Delphi in-memory engine);
  • When data is retrieved from server or client 38, you can read more than 900,000 objects per second, whatever the database back-end is;
  • With a high-performance database like Oracle, and our direct access classes, you can write 70,000 (via array binding) and read 160,000 objects per second, over a 100 MB network;
  • When using alternate database access libraries (e.g. Zeos, or DB.pas based classes), speed is lower (even if comparable for DB2, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL) but still enough for most work, due to some optimizations in the mORMot code (e.g. caching of prepared statements, SQL multi-values insertion, direct export to/from JSON, SQlite3 virtual mode design, avoid most temporary memory allocation...).

Difficult to find a faster ORM, I suspect.

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ORM enhanced for BATCH insert

We just committed some nice features to the ORM kernel, and SynDB* classes of our mORMot framework.

During BATCH insertion, the ORM is able to generate some optimized SQL statements, depending on the target database, to send several rows of data at once.
It induces a noticeable speed increase when saving several objects into an external database.

This feature is available for SQlite3 (3.7.11 and later), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (2008 and up), Oracle, Firebird and NexusDB.
Since it is working at SQL level, it is available for all supported access libraries, e.g. ODBC, OleDB, Zeos/ZDBC, UniDAC, FireDAC.
It means that even properties not implementing array binding (like OleDB, Zeos or UniDAC) are able to have a huge boost at data insertion, ready to compete with the (until now) more optimized libraries.

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Updated mORMot database benchmark - including MS SQL and PostgreSQL

On an recent notebook computer (Core i7 and SSD drive), depending on the back-end database interfaced, mORMot excels in speed:

  • You can persist up to 570,000 objects per second, or retrieve more than 900,000 objects per second (for our pure Delphi in-memory engine);
  • When data is retrieved from server or client cache, you can read more than 900,000 objects per second, whatever the database back-end is;
  • With a high-performance database like Oracle and our direct access classes, you can write 65,000 (via array binding) and read 160,000 objects per second, over a 100 MB network;
  • When using alternate database access libraries (e.g. Zeos, or DB.pas based classes), speed is lower, but still enough for most work.

Difficult to find a faster ORM, I suspect.

The following tables try to sum up all available possibilities, and give some benchmark (average objects/second for writing or read).

In these tables:

  • 'SQLite3 (file full/off/exc)' indicates use of the internal SQLite3 engine, with or without Synchronous := smOff and/or DB.LockingMode := lmExclusive;
  • 'SQLite3 (mem)' stands for the internal SQLite3 engine running in memory;
  • 'SQLite3 (ext ...)' is about access to a SQLite3 engine as external database - either as file or memory;
  • 'TObjectList' indicates a TSQLRestServerStaticInMemory instance, either static (with no SQL support) or virtual (i.e. SQL featured via SQLite3 virtual table mechanism) which may persist the data on disk as JSON or compressed binary;
  • 'Oracle' shows the results of our direct OCI access layer (SynDBOracle.pas);
  • 'NexusDB' is the free embedded edition, available from official site;
  • 'Zeos *' indicates that the database was accessed directly via the ZDBC layer;
  • 'FireDAC *' stands for FireDAC library;
  • 'UniDAC *' stands for UniDAC library;
  • 'BDE *' when using a BDE connection;
  • 'ODBC *' for a direct access to ODBC;
  • 'Jet' stands for a MSAccess database engine, accessed via OleDB;
  • 'MSSQL local' for a local connection to a MS SQL Express 2008 R2 running instance (this was the version installed with Visual Studio 2010), accessed via OleDB.

This list of database providers is to be extended in the future. Any feedback is welcome!

Numbers are expressed in rows/second (or objects/second). This benchmark was compiled with Delphi 7, so newer compilers may give even better results, with in-lining and advanced optimizations.

Note that these tests are not about the relative speed of each database engine, but reflect the current status of the integration of several DB libraries within the mORMot database access.

Purpose here is not to say that one library or database is better or faster than another, but publish a snapshot of current mORMot persistence layer abilities.

In this timing, we do not benchmark only the "pure" SQL/DB layer access (SynDB units), but the whole Client-Server ORM of our framework: process below includes read and write RTTI access of a TSQLRecord, JSON marshaling, CRUD/REST routing, virtual cross-database layer, SQL on-the-fly translation. We just bypass the communication layer, since TSQLRestClient and TSQLRestServer are run in-process, in the same thread - as a TSQLRestServerDB instance. So you have here some raw performance testimony of our framework's ORM and RESTful core.

You can compile the "15 - External DB performance" supplied sample code, and run the very same benchmark on your own configuration.

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TDataSet... now I'm confused

You perhaps know that I'm not a big fan of the TDataSet / RAD DB approach for end-user applications.
They are easy to define, almost no code to write, and you are able to publish a working solution very fast.

But it is a nightmare to debug and maintain. I prefer the new DataBinding feature, or... of course... ORM!
In mORMot, we have some auto-generated screens, and in our roadmap, we forcast to use some auto-binding features, using a KISS by-convention MVC pattern.

For some users, we made a ORM / TDataSet conversion unit.
And we discovered that TDataSet has a weird, and very misleading definition of its AsString property, for Unicode versions of Delphi.

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Introducing ZEOS, UniDAC, NexusDB, BDE, any TDataset to SynDB and mORMot's ORM

Up to now, our SynDB database classes were handling ODBC, OleDB providers and direct Oracle or SQLite3 connection.

We have added a DB.pas based layer, ready to be used with UniDAC, NexusDB, or the BDE.
Any other TDataset based component is ready to be interfaced, including UIB, AnyDAC or DBExpress.

The ZEOS library (in its latest 7.0.3 stable version, which works from Delphi 7 up to XE3) has also been interfaced, but without the TDataset/DB.pas layer: our SynDBZEOS.pas unit calls the ZDBC layer, which is not tied to DB.pas nor its RAD components, and is therefore faster. By the way, it will work also with the Starter edition of Delphi (which does not include the DB components) - just like the other "regular" SynDB classes.

This is a work in progress, any testing and feedback is welcome!
We had to circumvent some particularities of the libraries, but I guess we have something interesting.

A dedicated "SynDBDataset" sub-folder has been created in the repository, to contain all SynDBDataset.pas-based database providers.
SynDBNexusDB.pas unit has been moved within this sub-folder, as SynDBUniDAC.pas + SynDBBDE.pas units have been added.
SynDBZeos.pas has a direct access to the ZDBC layer, so is not part of the "SynDBDataset" sub-folder.

Here is some benchmark, mainly about Oracle and SQlite3 database access.
Of course, our direct SynDBOracle / SynDBSQLite3 layers are the fastest around, and we can see that ZDBC layer is sometimes more efficient than the TDataset components.

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SQLite3-powered, not SQLite3-limited

Our downloadable documentation has been enhanced, and contains now a description about the main feature of 1.15 version, i.e. "database agnosticism".

The core database of our mORMot framework uses the SQLite3 library, which is a Free, Secure, Zero-Configuration, Server-less, Single Stable Cross-Platform Database File database engine.

As stated below, you can use any other database access layer, if you wish.
A fast in-memory engine (TObjectList-based) is included, and can be used instead or together with the SQLite3 engine.
Or you may be able to access any remote database, and use one or more OleDB, ODBC, ZDBCTDataSet, (or direct Oracle) connections to store your precious ORM objects.
The SQlite3 will be used as the main SQL engine, able to JOIN all those tables, thanks to its Virtual Table unique feature.

(article updated after removal of the TSQLRecordExternal class type for revision 1.17 - note also that BATCH process is now directly supported by the framework and converted to bound array parameters if available)

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Use TDataSet in mORMot or SynDB

In our documentation, and in all our code source, we avoid using the VCL DB.pas related units, and all the associated RAD components.

This is by design, since our experiment encouraged us to "think ORM, forget anything about RAD (and even SQL in most cases)" in mORMot.
And it introduced some nice border-side effect to Delphi users, e.g. that even a "Delphi Starter Edition" is able to use mORMot, have access to SQLite3, MS SQL or Oracle or any other DB, add interface-based RESTful JSON services over it, just for free...

But in the real world, you may need to upgrade some existing application, get rid of the BDE, or add a SOA layer over an existing business intelligence.
And mORMot is able to serve you well in those scenarios.
That's why we just added a first attempt to expose SynDB results and mORMOt TSQLTableJSON content into a TDataSet.

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