To be more specific:

SQlite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL 2008 or NexusDB handle INSERT statements with multiple VALUES, in the following SQL-92 standard syntax, using parameters:

INSERT INTO TABLE (column-a, [column-b, ...])
VALUES ('value-1a', ['value-1b', ...]),
('value-2a', ['value-2b', ...]),

Oracle implements the weird but similar syntax (note the mandatory SELECT at the end):

INTO phone_book VALUES ('John Doe', '555-1212')
INTO phone_book VALUES ('Peter Doe', '555-2323')

Firebird implements its own syntax:

execute block
INSERT INTO phone_book VALUES ('John Doe', '555-1212');
INSERT INTO phone_book VALUES ('Peter Doe', '555-2323');

As a result, some engines show a nice speed boost when used in BATCH.
Even SQLite3 is faster when used as external engine, in respect to direct execution, in respect to direct execution of individual prepared statements in loop! 

Here are some insertion results, to compare with the previous benchmark, which did not include these enhancements:

  Direct Batch Trans Batch Trans
SQLite3 (file full) 488 463 97498 126256
SQLite3 (file off) 789 815 101010 130561
SQLite3 (file off exc) 31376 35785 104410 136328
SQLite3 (mem) 88070 106981 106215 144270
TObjectList (static) 308584 545732 311837 535733
TObjectList (virtual) 308413 539548 316997 527537
SQLite3 (ext full) 308 12151 107469 170636
SQLite3 (ext off) 776 22404 111819 188316
SQLite3 (ext off exc) 42213 182561 111642 197464
SQLite3 (ext mem) 98531 228634 112004 227489
ZEOS SQlite3 497 12071 56489 72720
ODBC SQlite3 509 12480 38996 82581
FireDAC SQlite3 24992 50065 21985 156887
UniDAC SQlite3 469 8981 27667 39239
NexusDB 5996 15494 7687 18619
ZEOS Firebird 12732 13848 27456 30724
ODBC Firebird 1745 18366 14419 18993
FireDAC Firebird 24000 50329 24050 51423
UniDAC Firebird 6373 14801 6474 14675
Jet 4252 4561 5016 5208
Oracle 310 42327 1046 61661
ODBC Oracle 337 3962 1356 5197
FireDAC Oracle 458 35160 1451 37204
UniDAC Oracle 289 3065 1140 5747
BDE Oracle 489 927 839 1022
MSSQL local 5266 54417 13659 62706
ODBC MSSQL 5050 18739 11804 20796
FireDAC MSSQL 4989 7315 11267 50520
UniDAC MSSQL 4404 30845 8879 34933

This feature is at ORM level, so it benefits to any external database library.
Of course, if a given library has a better option (e.g. our direct Oracle or FireDAC array binding), it is used instead.

You can note that we included access to Firebird embedded via ODBC, using the official driver.
And also SQLite3 access via ODBC, using this nice full-featured BSD licensed driver.
Sounds like a not so optimized solution, e.g. in respect to ZDBC/ZEOS direct connection.
But nice show case of ODBC connection with mORMot.

Reading speed is not affected by this modification, so we won't publish new data here.
Note that now our native access to external databases outperforms any third-party drivers, with the only exception of Firebird, which is still most efficiently accessed via FireDAC.
The SAD 1.18 pdf includes the latest benchmark.

If you want to use a map/reduce algorithm in your application, or the DDD's Unit Of Work pattern, in addition to ORM data access, all those enhancements may speed up a lot your process. Reading and writing huge amount of data has never been so fast and easy: you may even be tempted to replace stored-procedure process by high-level code implemented in your Domain service. N-tier separation would benefit from it.

Feedback is welcome on our forum, as usual.