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mORMot 2 Release Candidate

The mORMot 2 framework is about to be released as its first 2.0 stable version.

The framework feature set should now be considered as sealed for this release.
There is no issue reported still open at github or in the forum.

Please test it, and give here some feedback to fix any problem before the actual release!
We enter a framework code-freeze phase until then.

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mORMot2 Renaming

Last weeks, we introduced REST, ORM and SOA process in the mORMot2 repository.

During this phase, we split the huge mORMot.pas unit into several mormot.rest.*.pas, mormot.orm.*.pas and mormot.soa.*.pas units, to follow SOLID principles.

But we also renamed the base types into something more consistent and easier to work with. Forget about TSQLRecord or TSQLRest, discover TORM and TRest!

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RoadMap refreshed

We did some cleaning in the mORMot official RoadMap.
Now feature requests tickets will detail all to-do items we would like to implement.

Current framework RoadMap and implementation is in fact going into a pragmatic direction.
No need to make all framework's unit compatible at once: so we introduced some client-dedicated units, without any dependency on SynCommons.pas.

We would like to implement (in this order):

The CrossPlatform folder already contains units which compile under all Delphi compilers (VCL and FMX), and FPC.

But perhaps we would move the server to Linux, either via FPC, or using Delphi itself!

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