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Domain-Driven design

With a previous article, we introduced the concept of "Domain-Driven design" into our framework presentation.

It's now time to detail a bit more this very nice software architecture design, and how mORMot is able to achieve such an implementation pattern.

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The mORMot attitude

In a discussion with Henrick Hellström, in Embarcadero forums, I wrote some high-level information about mORMot.

It was clear to me that our little mORMot is now far away from a simple Client-Server solution.

The Henrick point was that with Real Thin Client (RTC), you are able to write any Client-Server solution, even a RESTful / JSON based one.

He is of course right, but it made clear to me all the work done in mORMot since its beginning.
From a Client-Server ORM, it is now a complete SOA framework, ready to serve Domain-Driven-Design solutions.

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Custom JSON serialization of any class

By default, our mORMot framework is able to serialize any class into a true JSON object.

All published properties will be written as JSON object members.

In some cases, it may be handy to have a custom serialization, for instance if you want to manage some third-party classes, or to adapt the serialization scheme to a particular purpose, at runtime.

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Return custom content from an interface-based service

As stated by this previous article, the default answer format is a valid JSON object.

In some cases, it may be useful to have a service operation (i.e. an interface method) returning any content, e.g. some plain TEXT, HTML or binary data (like a picture).

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Interface based services - sample code

In addition to the other related blog articles, you can find in the "SQLite3/Samples/14 - Interface based services" folder of the supplied source code distribution, a dedicated sample about this feature.

Purpose of this code is to show how to create a client-server service, using interfaces, over named pipe communication.

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Interface based services - Implementation details

You will find out in SQLite3Commons.pas all classes implementing this interface communication.

There are two levels of implementation:
- A services catalog, available in TSQLRest.Services property, declared as TServiceContainer (with two inherited versions, for each side);
- A service factory for each interface, declared as TServiceFactory (also with two inherited versions, for each side).

In fact, TServiceFactory.Create constructor will retrieve all needed RTTI information of the given interface, i.e. GUID, name and all methods (with their arguments). It will compute the low-level stack memory layout needed at execution. And the corresponding "contract" will be computed, to validate that both client and server expect the exact same interface.

On the server side, TServiceFactoryServer.ExecuteMethod method (and then a nested TServiceMethod.InternalExecute call) is used to prepare a valid call to the implementation class code from a remote JSON request.

On the client side, a TInterfacedObjectFake class will be created, and will emulate a regular Delphi interface call using some on-the-fly asm code generated in the TServiceFactoryClient.Create constructor.

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Interface based services - Using services on the Client or Server sides

Once the service is registered on the server side, it is very easy to use it in your code.

In a complex Service Oriented Architecture, it is pretty common to have services calling each other. Code re-usability is a key here. So you'll have to consume services on the server side. According to the SOLID design principles, you'd better rely on abstraction in your code, i.e. not call the service implementation, but the service abstract interface.

You can use the following method of your TSQLRest.Services instance (note that this method is available on both client and server sides, so is the right access point to all services):

 function TServiceFactory.Get(out Obj): Boolean;

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Interface based services - Server side

In order to have an operating service, you'll need to implement a Delphi class which matches the expected interface.

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Interface based services - defining a data contract

In a Service Oriented Architecture, services tend to create a huge list of operations.
In order to facilitate implementation and maintenance, operations shall be grouped within common services.

The data contract is to be defined as a plain Delphi interface type.
In fact, the sample type as stated in a previous blog article can be used directly:

  ICalculator = interface(IInvokable)
    /// add two signed 32 bit integers
    function Add(n1,n2: integer): integer;

This ICalculator.Add method will define one "Add" operation, under the "ICalculator" service (which will be named internally 'Calculator' by convention).
This operation will expect two numbers as input, and then return the sum of those numbers.

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Interface based services

The Client-Server services via methods implementation (our DataSnap-like feature) gives full access to the lowest-level of the mORMot's core, so it has some advantages:
- It can be tuned to fit any purpose (such as retrieving or returning some HTML or binary data, or modifying the HTTP headers on the fly);
- It is integrated into the RESTful URI model, so it can be related to any table/class of our ORM framework (like DataAsHex service above), or it can handle any remote query (e.g. any AJAX or SOAP requests);
- It has a very low performance overhead, so can be used to reduce server workload for some common tasks.

But this implementation pattern has some drawbacks:
- Most content marshaling is to be done by hand, so may introduce implementation issues;
- Client and server side code does not have the same implementation pattern, so you will have to code explicitly data marshaling twice, for both client and server;
- The services do not have any hierarchy, and are listed as a plain list, which is not very convenient;
- It is difficult to synchronize several service calls within a single context, e.g. when a workflow is to be handled during the application process (you have to code some kind of state machine on both sides);
- Security is handled globally for the user, or should be checked by hand in the implementation method (using the aParams.Context values).

You can get rid of those limitations with the interface-based service implementation of mORMot. For a detailed introduction and best practice guide to SOA, you can consult this "classic" article.

According to this document, all expected SOA features are now available in the current implementation of the mORMot framework (including service catalog aka "broker").

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Modification of TSQLRestServerCallBack method prototype (bis)

In order to implement some RESTful Services, a callback has to be defined on the server side.

The prototype of these methods has been modified one more time, to supply an unique parameter:
This is a CODE BREAK change and you shall refresh ALL your server-side code to match the new signature.

This unique parameter will let the signature remain untouched in your code implementation, even if the framework evolves (like adding a new parameter).

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Synopse SQLite3 framework is now mORMot

In case you were redirected from the previous "Synopse SQLite3 framework" category link, here is the new thread to be used instead: http://blog.synopse.info/category/Open-Source-Projects/mORMot-Framework Since revision 1.15 of the framework, it is able to connect to any database engine  […]

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DataSnap-like Client-Server JSON RESTful Services in Delphi 6-XE5

Article update:
The server side call back signature changed since this article was first published in 2010. 
Please refer to the documentation or this forum article and associated commit.
The article was totally rewritten to reflect the enhancements.
And do not forget to see mORMot's interface-based services!

Note that the main difference with previous implementation is the signature of the service implementation event, which should be now exactly:
procedure MyService(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);
(note that there is one unique class parameter, with no var specifier)
Please update your code if you are using method-based services!

You certainly knows about the new DataSnap Client-Server features, based on JSON, introduced in Delphi 2010.
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudi … plications

We added such communication in our mORmot Framework, in a KISS (i.e. simple) way: no expert, no new unit or new class. Just add a published method Server-side, then use easy functions about JSON or URL-parameters to get the request encoded and decoded as expected, on Client-side.

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Framework documentation updated for revision 1.15

The framework documentation was just updated.

The general organization of the SAD document (which is the one to be read in all cases) has been refreshed, and is now separated in smaller chapters.

The new official name has been changed into "Synopse SQLite3/mORMot framework"...

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Virtual Tables in the SQLite3 framework

The SQlite3 engine has ability to create Virtual Tables from code. From the perspective of an SQL statement, the virtual table object looks like any other table or view. But behind the scenes, queries from and updates to a virtual table invoke callback methods on the virtual table object instead of reading and writing to the database file.

The virtual table mechanism allows an application to publish interfaces that are accessible from SQL statements as if they were tables. SQL statements can in general do anything to a virtual table that they can do to a real table, with the following exceptions:
- One cannot create a trigger on a virtual table.
- One cannot create additional indices on a virtual table. (Virtual tables can have indices but that must be built into the virtual table implementation. Indices cannot be added separately using CREATE INDEX statements.)
- One cannot run ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN commands against a virtual table.
- Particular virtual table implementations might impose additional constraints. For example, some virtual implementations might provide read-only tables. Or some virtual table implementations might allow INSERT or DELETE but not UPDATE. Or some virtual table implementations might limit the kinds of UPDATEs that can be made.

Example of virtual tables, already included in the SQLite3 engine, are FTS or RTREE tables. A custom virtual table might represent in-memory data structures (like TSQLVirtualTableJSON, TSQLVirtualTableBinary). Or it might represent a view of data on disk that is not in the SQLite3 format (e.g. TSQLVirtualTableLog). Or the application might compute the content of the virtual table on demand.

Thanks to the generic implementation of Virtual Table in SQLite3, you can use such tables in your SQL statement, and even safely execute a SELECT statement with JOIN or custom functions, mixing normal SQLite3 tables and any other Virtual Table.

A dedicated mechanism has been added to the framework, beginning with revision 1.13, in order to easily add such virtual tables with pure Delphi code, just by inheriting some classes.

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SynProject 1.12 released

Synopse SynProject is an open source (GPL) application for code source versioning and automated documentation of Delphi projects.

It has been updated to version 1.12.

Main enhancement of this update (among various fixes or new commands) is the generation of vectorial diagrams for all documents, for better rendering than PNG or JPEG.

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Don't weep, take a breath, and maintain

In a message posted in the EMB forum, Anthony wrote that he "inherited this stuff"... Maintaining a Delphi application pays the bills, but... is sometimes frustrating.

Here are some advices or experiment sharing.

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Draft Documentation of the Synopse SQLite3 Framework

As a tutorial about SynProject, the documentation for the SQLite3 framework itself has been generated for the first time.

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