JSON benchmarking
1. Small content
1.1. Synopse record:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  153.07ms  326,641/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  958us  52,192,066/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  105.84ms  472,411/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - Synopse record PASSED  260.33ms
1.2. Synopse variant:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  381.95ms  130,904/s
- Access direct: 100,000 assertions passed  67.59ms  739,677/s
- Access late binding: 100,000 assertions passed  699.14ms  71,516/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  215.65ms  231,857/s
Total failed: 0 / 300,000  - Synopse variant PASSED  1.36s
1.3. Synopse cross platform variant:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  645.38ms  77,473/s
- Access direct: 100,000 assertions passed  41.87ms  1,194,086/s
- Access late binding: 100,000 assertions passed  612.42ms  81,643/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  625.52ms  79,932/s
Total failed: 0 / 300,000  - Synopse cross platform variant PASSED  1.92s
1.4. Super object record:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  2.37s  21,014/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  1.01ms  49,504,950/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  1.80s  27,651/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - Super object record PASSED  4.19s
1.5. Super object properties:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  895.68ms  55,823/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  369.84ms  135,192/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  370.30ms  135,025/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - Super object properties PASSED  1.63s
1.6. dws JSON:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  273.69ms  182,683/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  87.51ms  571,356/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  204.84ms  244,089/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - dws JSON PASSED  569.01ms
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  4.83s  10,340/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  49.40ms  1,012,043/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  616.26ms  81,133/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - DBXJSON PASSED  5.50s
1.8. QDAC:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  639.13ms  78,230/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  95.95ms  521,061/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  386.40ms  129,398/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - QDAC PASSED  1.12s
 1.9. Json data objects:
- Read: 50,000 assertions passed  248.87ms  200,900/s
- Access: 100,000 assertions passed  7.54ms  6,629,541/s
- Write: 50,000 assertions passed  109.55ms  456,379/s
Total failed: 0 / 200,000  - Json data objects PASSED  368.36ms

2. Big content
2.1. Depth content:
- Download files if necessary: no assertion  408us
- Synopse read variant: 1 assertion passed  167.89ms  297,799/s  227 KB
- Synopse read to BSON: 2 assertions passed  2.87ms  17,379,214/s  159 KB
- Synopse cross platform: 1 assertion passed  3.94ms  12,690,355/s  300 KB
!  - Super object read: 1 / 1 FAILED  17.67ms  2,828,374/s
- dws JSON read: 1 assertion passed  4.83ms  10,349,824/s  1.5 MB
- DBXJSON read: 1 assertion passed  92.25ms  541,958/s  1.9 MB
- Json data objects read: 1 assertion passed  2.73ms  18,254,837/s  1.5 MB
Total failed: 1 / 8  - Depth content FAILED  304.11ms
2.2. Table content:
- Download files if necessary: no assertion  469us  17,543,710/s
- Synopse parse: 1 assertion passed  2.70ms  3,043,655/s  1.2 MB
- Synopse ORM loop: 41,135 assertions passed  6.67ms  1,233,433/s  1.2 MB
- Synopse ORM list: 41,135 assertions passed  6.94ms  1,184,422/s  1016 KB
- Synopse table direct: 41,135 assertions passed  19.38ms  424,509/s  1.2 MB
- Synopse table variant: 41,135 assertions passed  97.61ms  84,283/s  1.2 MB
- Synopse doc variant: 41,137 assertions passed  31.50ms  261,141/s  3.0 MB
- Synopse late binding: 41,137 assertions passed  106.78ms  77,045/s  3.0 MB
- Synopse cross ORM: 41,135 assertions passed  18.99ms  433,228/s  1.9 MB
- Synopse cross direct: 41,135 assertions passed  20.19ms  407,418/s  1.9 MB
- Synopse cross variant: 41,135 assertions passed  100.13ms  82,162/s  1.9 MB
- Synopse to BSON: 2 assertions passed  10.57ms  777,893/s  1.0 MB
- Super object properties: 41,136 assertions passed  180.95ms  45,463/s  6.3 M
- Super object record: 41,136 assertions passed  150.22ms  54,763/s  6.3 MB
- dws JSON: 41,136 assertions passed  29.29ms  280,871/s  4.7 MB
- DBXJSON: 41,136 assertions passed  265.78ms  30,953/s  9.10 MB
- JsonDataObjects: 41,136 assertions passed  15.41ms  533,770/s  2.6 MB
- QDAC: 41,136 assertions passed  41.53ms  198,073/s  5.9 MB
Total failed: 0 / 617,038  - Table content PASSED  1.13s
2.3. Huge content:
- Download files if necessary: no assertion  447us
- Synopse beautifier: 1 assertion passed  1.58s  31,558/s  104 B
- Synopse read record: 4 assertions passed  1.44s  143,250/s  113.5 MB
- Synopse read variant: 2 assertions passed  3.38s  61,027/s  377.4 MB
- Synopse cross platform: 2 assertions passed  5.46s  37,824/s  424.8 MB
- Synopse read to BSON: 3 assertions passed  1.96s  105,013/s  168.1 MB
- Super object read: 2 assertions passed  8.99s  22,951/s  1.1 GB
- dws JSON read: 2 assertions passed  3.20s  64,466/s  672.7 MB
- DBXJSON read: no assertion  151us  331,125,827/s
DBXJSON will raise EOutOfMemory for 185 MB JSON in Win32 -> skip
- Json data objects read: 2 assertions passed  1.70s  121,237/s  329.6 MB
- Json data objects beautifier: no assertion  7.59s  6,585/s  510.6 MB
- QDAC read: 2 assertions passed  8.41s  24,558/s  1.1 GB
  Total failed: 0 / 20  - Huge content PASSED  36.90s
Generated with: Delphi XE7 compiler
Time elapsed for all tests: 55.30s
Tests performed at 16/02/2015 09:41:34
Total assertions failed for all test suits:  1 / 2,617,066
! Some tests FAILED: please correct the code.

As you can see, the latest revision of SuperObject, retrieved from SVN, failed to pass a test.
There is a weird depth restriction in this library.
Since we don't use this library, which is slow and just blowing under Win64, it is not a problem for us.

We did not include XSuperObject here, since we already benchmarked it: it is even slower than SuperObject.

As you can see, JsonDataObjects is a great library, fastest that any other implementations, when using the general purpose DOM/node-oriented use case.
As always, our ORM-optimized version is fastest for table reading (see Synopse ORM loop and Synopse ORM list), but it is not 100% fair since it has been optimized for a single use case - which is the main bottleneck of any JSON-based ORM like mORMot.
Take a look at our Synopse parse: it is in fact our SAX-like JSON parser, which is able to read, parse, unescape and fill a list of pointers with each data in more than 3,000,000 rows per seconds, with almost no memory use. A DOM/node approach can only reach 500,000 rows per second, for JsonDataObjects.
All those numbers are always high: in practice, keeping away from the RTL DBXJson.pas, or SuperObject units is enough.

In a multi-threaded environment, there may be some bottlenecks of JsonDataObjects writing, which uses temporary strings for building the JSON text from number values, so relies heavily on the memory manager (more than dwsJSON or mORMot implementations).
You can see this behavior when comparing the Json data objects beautifier time and memory consumption with our SAX-based Synopse beautifier (which, BTW preserve the original floating point precision).

IMHO the only missing feature is a "path query", i.e. allow to retrieve values by a path.
It could be nice to be able to write (as with other libraries):

instead of

Congrats Andreas for your great work!

Source code of the test is available in our source code repository.
And feedback is welcome on our forum, as usual.