March 2015 (5)


ORM Master/Slave Replication

Master Slave ORM Replication

As stated during TSQLRecord fields definition, the ORM is able to maintain a revision number for any TSQLRecord table, so that it the table may be easily synchronized remotely by another TSQLRestServer instance.
If you define a TRecordVersion published property, the ORM core will fill this field just before any write with a monotonically increasing revision number, and will take care of any deletion, so that those modifications may be replayed later on any other database.

This synchronization will work as a strict master/slave replication scheme, as a one-way on demand refresh of a replicated table.
Each write operation on the master database on a given table may be easily reflected on one or several slave databases, with almost no speed nor storage size penalty.

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GitHub temporary unavailable from comand line?

Perhaps it is due to a lot of projects moving from closing Google Code to GitHub, but I experimented some GitHub random communication errors since last week.

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Framework Documentation Enhanced By Links

The mORMot framework documentation, in its HTML online form, has been enhanced to include links to almost of the code symbols. In fact, the latest version of our SynProject tool will search for code symbols (types, methods, constants, functions):  Everywhere in the API Reference pages; In the text  […]

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SynTaskDialog.pas version for Lazarus

Just to share a commit of some interest to FPC/Lazarus users. Ondrej Pokorny (aka "reddwarf" in our forums) did send to us a nice implementation of our SynTaskDialog.pas unit, compatible with Lazarus. Since it is incompatible with the current state of the other mORMot UI units (which are  […]

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ShowCase: mORMot with FPC on Android

I just received a mail from Alfred (aka Alf in the source code), which did a lot of work to let our little mORMot compiles and run with FPC, especially under Linux, and also with an ARM processor. Hello Arnaud, A nice surprise ... Sample 2 native on Android !!!! See picture.  Works 100% !!!    […]

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