February 2015 (3)


SynCrypto: SSE4 x64 optimized asm for SHA-256

We have just included some optimized x64 assembler to our Open Source SynCrypto.pas unit so that SHA-256 hashing will perform at best speed.
It is an adaptation from tuned Intel's assembly macros, which makes use of the SSE4 instruction set, if available.

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Benchmarking JsonDataObjects JSON parser

There is a new player in town.
Since it has been written by Andreas Hausladen, the maintainer of the great Delphi IDE fix packs, this new JSON library is very promising.

And in fact, it is fast, and sounds pretty great!
Here are some numbers, compared with SuperObject, standard DBXJson, dwsJSON, QDAC and mORMot.
Please refer to previous benchmark articles about those libraries. We will now focus on JsonDataObjects.

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Benchmarking QDAC3 JSON parser

Do you know QDAC3 ?
This is an open source project, from China (with Chinese comments and exception errors messages, but the methods and variables are in English).
It is cross-platform, and told to be very fast about JSON process.

You can download this Open Source project code from http://sourceforge.net/projects/qdac3
And their blog - in Chinese - is at http://blog.qdac.cc/

So I included QDAC3 in our "25 - JSON performance" sample.
Numbers are talking, now.

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