
OpenSSL 1.1.1 Support for mORMot 2

Why OpenSSL? OpenSSL is the reference library for cryptography and secure TLS/HTTPS communication. It is part of most Linux/BSD systems, and covers a lot of use cases and algorithms. Even if it had some vulnerabilities in the past, it has been audited and validated for business use. Some algorithms  […]

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Public-key Asymmetric Cryptography via SynECC

After weeks of implementation and testing, we introduce today a new feature of our mORMot Open-Source Framework.

Asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, uses pairs of keys:

  • Public keys that may be disseminated widely;
  • Paired with private keys which are known only to the owner.

The framework SynEcc unit features a full asymmetric encryption system, based on Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), which may be used at application level (i.e. to protect your application data, by signing or encrypting it), or at transmission level (to enhance communication safety).
A full set of high-level features, including certificates and command line tool, offers a stand-alone but complete public-key infrastructure (PKI).

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