
Your search for pdf returned 55 results.


Data Alignment and Delphi 10.4.1

Some regression has been reported with Delphi 10.4.1 and SynPDF. From the Github issue description: Generating a PDF via VLCCanvas and TPdfDocumentGDI causes access violation when compiled with Delphi 10.4.1 with record field alignment compiler option set to "byte" or "off". When  […]

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EKON 21 Slides

After having enjoyed EKON 21 conferences in Köln, some quick post to share material about my presentations. MicroServices: SOLID Meets SOA MicroServices: Event-Driven Design Practical Domain-Driven Design I also included the "Practical DDD" source code in a new sample folder of the mORMot  […]

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EKON20 mORMot Conferences

EKON20 is now over, and there was a lot of people, great speakers, beautiful T-Shirt, and fresh beer! I've published the slides of my mORMot conferences on SlideShare... EKON20 From RAD to SOA with mORMot EKON20 mORMot Legacy Code Technical Debt Delphi Conference EKON20 Ride a mORMot EKON20 2016  […]

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Support of Delphi 10.1 Berlin

You should have noticed that Delphi 10.1 Berlin has been released. Our Open Source projects, including mORMot and SynPDF and their associated documentation have been updated to support this new revision. Any additional feedback is welcome, as usual!


mORMot show case: Illustrated Spare Parts Catalog

Illustrated Spare Parts Catalog is, as its name suggests, a software for creating and publishing spare parts catalogs. It uses mORMot for client-server communication and ORM, and SynPdf for the reporting. Sounds like a powerful solution. It is also a testimony that you could use big databases (20 GB  […]

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GetIt "Spirit" Concerns

I'm confused by the GetIt Submitting official blog page. Reminds me the darker ages of Delphi licensing change of XE3. GetIt is the new XE8 package manager for RAD Studio. Information about how to submit your libraries to GetIt has just been made available by Embarcadero. The idea behind GetIt is  […]

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BeDelphi 2014 Slides

We just finished our Be-Delphi 2014 sessions and drank our last beers, so here we are.

I published some slides for this great event.

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mORMot documentation as web

We have enhanced our SynProject Open Source tool, so that it is now able to generate its documentation as HTML, in addition to doc/pdf documents. You can take a look at this web page. It contains the whole SAD 1.18 content. The pdf is more than 16 MB, whereas this html page is only 6MB. Note that  […]

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MVC/MVVM Web Applications

We almost finished implementing a long-standing feature request, introducing MVC / MVVM for Web Applications (like RubyOnRails) in mORMot.
This is a huge step forward, opening new perspectives not only to our framework, but for the Delphi community.
In respect to the existing MVC frameworks for Delphi, our  solution is closer to Delphi On Rails (by the convention-over-configuration pattern) than the Delphi MVC Framework or XMM.
The mORMot point of view is unique, and quite powerful, since it is integrated with other parts of our framework, as its ORM/ODM or interface-based services.
Of course, this is a work in progress, so you are welcome to put your feedback, patches or new features!

We will now explain how to build a MVC/MVVM web application using mORMot, starting from the "30 - MVC Server" sample.
First of all, check the source in our GitHub repository: two .pas files, and a set of minimalist Mustache views.

This little web application publishes a simple BLOG, not fully finished yet (this is a Sample, remember!).
But you can still execute it in your desktop browser, or any mobile device (thanks to a simple Bootstrap-based responsive design), and see the articles list, view one article and its comments, view the author information, log in and out.

This sample is implemented as such:

MVVM Source mORMot
Model MVCModel.pas TSQLRestServerDB ORM over a SQlite3 database
View *.html Mustache template engine in the Views sub-folder
ViewModel MVCViewModel.pas Defined as one IBlogApplication interface

For the sake of the simplicity, the sample will create some fake data in its own local SQlite3 database, the first time it is executed.

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Cross-Platform mORMot Clients - Units and Platforms

Current version of the main framework units target only Win32 and Win64 systems.

It allows to make easy self-hosting of mORMot servers for local business applications in any corporation, or pay cheap hosting in the Cloud, since mORMot CPU and RAM expectations are much lower than a regular IIS-WCF-MSSQL-.Net stack.
But in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), you would probably need to create clients for platforms outside the Windows world, especially mobile devices.

A set of cross-platform client units is therefore available in the CrossPlatform sub-folder of the source code repository. It allows writing any client in modern object pascal language, for:

  • Any version of Delphi, on any platform (Mac OSX, or any mobile supported devices);
  • FreePascal Compiler 2.7.1;
  • Smart Mobile Studio 2.1, to create AJAX or mobile applications (via PhoneGap, if needed).

This series of articles will introduce you to mORMot's Cross-Platform abilities:

Any feedback is welcome in our forum, as usual!

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Software Design, Brook, mORMot, RAD, SOLID and OOP

We got a very instructive discussion in our forums, with Silvio, the maintainer of the Brook Framework.
Brook is a nice framework for writing web applications using Free Pascal.

It comes to my mind what mORMot can offer.
We did not want to compare the features or say that one framework is better than the other, but it appeared to me that a lot of object pascal programmers are tied to 20th century programming model.

In fact, to embrace the potentials of mORMot, you need to switch your mind, and enhanced your RAD and OOP background, into 21th century SOLID model.

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Automatic JSON serialization of record or dynamic arrays via Enhanced RTTI

Since Delphi 2010, the compiler generates additional RTTI at compilation, so that all record fields are described, and available at runtime.
By the way, this enhanced RTTI is one of the reasons why executables did grow so much in newer versions of the compiler.

Our SynCommons.pas unit is now able to use this enhanced information, and let any record be serialized via RecordLoad() and RecordSave() functions, and all internal JSON marshalling process.

In short, you have nothing to do.
Just use your record as parameters, and, with Delphi 2010 and up, they will be serialized as valid JSON objects.

Of course, text-based definition or callback-based registration are still at hand, and will be used with older versions of Delphi.
But you could be used to by-pass or extend the enhanced-RTTI serialization, even on newer versions of the compiler.

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Mustache Logic-less templates for Delphi - part 3

Mustache is a well-known logic-less template engine.
There is plenty of Open Source implementations around (including in JavaScript, which can be very convenient for AJAX applications on client side, for instance).
For mORMot, we created the first pure Delphi implementation of it, with a perfect integration with other bricks of the framework.

In last part of this series of blog articles, we will introduce the Mustache library included within mORMot source code tree.
You can download this documentation as one single pdf file.

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Mustache Logic-less templates for Delphi - part 2

Mustache is a well-known logic-less template engine.
There is plenty of Open Source implementations around (including in JavaScript, which can be very convenient for AJAX applications on client side, for instance).
For mORMot, we created the first pure Delphi implementation of it, with a perfect integration with other bricks of the framework.

In this second part of this series of blog articles, we will introduce the Mustache syntax.
You can download this documentation as one single pdf file.

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Mustache Logic-less templates for Delphi - part 1

Mustache is a well-known logic-less template engine.
There is plenty of Open Source implementations around (including in JavaScript, which can be very convenient for AJAX applications on client side, for instance).
For mORMot, we created the first pure Delphi implementation of it, with a perfect integration with other bricks of the framework.

In this first part of this series of blog articles, we will introduce the Mustache design.
You can download this documentation as one single pdf file.

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ORM enhanced for BATCH insert

We just committed some nice features to the ORM kernel, and SynDB* classes of our mORMot framework.

During BATCH insertion, the ORM is able to generate some optimized SQL statements, depending on the target database, to send several rows of data at once.
It induces a noticeable speed increase when saving several objects into an external database.

This feature is available for SQlite3 (3.7.11 and later), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (2008 and up), Oracle, Firebird and NexusDB.
Since it is working at SQL level, it is available for all supported access libraries, e.g. ODBC, OleDB, Zeos/ZDBC, UniDAC, FireDAC.
It means that even properties not implementing array binding (like OleDB, Zeos or UniDAC) are able to have a huge boost at data insertion, ready to compete with the (until now) more optimized libraries.

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SynPDF now generates (much) smaller PDF file size

We have reduced PDF generated file size for all version of the PDF format, by trimming any uneeded space in the generated content.

We introduced a new optional PDFGeneratePDF15File property for even better compression, using advanced features (Object Streams and Cross-Reference Streams) of the PDF 1.5 format.
This PDF 1.5 format needs Acrobot 6.0 and up to open them.
Which should be the case on your computer.

Can be up to 70% smaller for a pdf with a lot of pages with simple textual context.

I suspect our library is able to generate the smallest file size possible, even in regard to other alternative libraries.
Open Source can be great, can't it?

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SynPDF now implements 40 bit and 128 bit security

The trunk version of our Open Source SynPdf library now features encryption using 40 bit or 128 bit key size.

This is a long awaiting feature, and sounds working just fine from my tests.
Speed has been optimized (as usual with our libraries), as a consequence encrypting the content will only be slightly slower.

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64 bit compatibility of mORMot units

I'm happy to announce that mORMot units are now compiling and working great in 64 bit mode, under Windows.
Need a Delphi XE2/XE3 compiler, of course!

ORM and services are now available in Win64, on both client and server sides.
Low-level x64 assembler stubs have been created, tested and optimized.
UI part is also available... that is grid display, reporting (with pdf export and display anti-aliasing), ribbon auto-generation, SynTaskDialog, i18n... the main SynFile demo just works great!

Overall impression is very positive, and speed is comparable to 32 bit version (only 10-15% slower).

Speed decrease seems to be mostly due to doubled pointer size, and some less optimized part of the official Delphi RTL.
But since mORMot core uses its own set of functions (e.g. for JSON serialization, RTTI support or interface calls or stubbing), we were able to release the whole 64 bit power of your hardware.

Delphi 64 bit compiler sounds stable and efficient. Even when working at low level, with assembler stubs.
Generated code sounds more optimized than the one emitted by FreePascalCompiler - and RTL is very close to 32 bit mode.
Overall, VCL conversion worked as easily than a simple re-build.
Embarcadero's people did a great job for VCL Win64 support, here!

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Introducing ZEOS, UniDAC, NexusDB, BDE, any TDataset to SynDB and mORMot's ORM

Up to now, our SynDB database classes were handling ODBC, OleDB providers and direct Oracle or SQLite3 connection.

We have added a DB.pas based layer, ready to be used with UniDAC, NexusDB, or the BDE.
Any other TDataset based component is ready to be interfaced, including UIB, AnyDAC or DBExpress.

The ZEOS library (in its latest 7.0.3 stable version, which works from Delphi 7 up to XE3) has also been interfaced, but without the TDataset/DB.pas layer: our SynDBZEOS.pas unit calls the ZDBC layer, which is not tied to DB.pas nor its RAD components, and is therefore faster. By the way, it will work also with the Starter edition of Delphi (which does not include the DB components) - just like the other "regular" SynDB classes.

This is a work in progress, any testing and feedback is welcome!
We had to circumvent some particularities of the libraries, but I guess we have something interesting.

A dedicated "SynDBDataset" sub-folder has been created in the repository, to contain all SynDBDataset.pas-based database providers.
SynDBNexusDB.pas unit has been moved within this sub-folder, as SynDBUniDAC.pas + SynDBBDE.pas units have been added.
SynDBZeos.pas has a direct access to the ZDBC layer, so is not part of the "SynDBDataset" sub-folder.

Here is some benchmark, mainly about Oracle and SQlite3 database access.
Of course, our direct SynDBOracle / SynDBSQLite3 layers are the fastest around, and we can see that ZDBC layer is sometimes more efficient than the TDataset components.

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