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Roadmap: interface-based callbacks for Event Collaboration

On the mORMot roadmap, we added a new upcoming feature, to implement one-way callbacks from the server.
That is, add transparent "push" mode to our Service Oriented Architecture framework.

Aim is to implement notification events triggered from the server side, very easily from Delphi code, even over a single HTTP connection - for instance, WCF does not allow this: it will need a dual binding, so will need to open a firewall port and such.

It will be the ground of an Event Collaboration stack included within mORMot, in a KISS way.
Event Collaboration is really a very interesting pattern, and even if not all your application domain should be written using it, some part may definitively benefit from it.
The publish / subscribe pattern provides greater network scalability and a more dynamic SOA implementation: for instance, you can add listeners to your main system events (even third-party developed), without touching your main server.
Or it could be the root of the Event Sourcing part of your business domain: since callbacks can also be executed on the server side (without communication), they can be used to easily add nice features like: complete rebuild, data consolidation (and CQRS), temporal query, event replay, logging, audit, backup, replication.

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Client-Server allowed back to XE3 pro

The attempt to restrict the XE3 professional license did evolve into an amazing discussion in Embarcadero forums, and Delphi-related blogs. David I announced the (reverted) EULA for Delphi Pro. Remote database access is again possible, with terms similar to Delphi Xe2. You can check the Software  […]

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Oracle Array Binding and BATCH performance

A common issue with Client-Server databases is the latency introduced for each query.

For example, suppose you have a requirement to first collect some information from your application’s users and then insert that information into a table in Oracle Database.

The first obvious option is to insert these multiple rows into the table through a loop in your program. This loop iterates over the data to be inserted and does what is known as a single-row insert , because the application sends one single row of data to the database at a time. Due to the network latency (typically around 1 ms over a corporate network), it would achieve not more than 500-600 requests per second to let the work done, since for each INSERT, a so-called round-trip occurs: a message is sent to Oracle, then a response is sent back to the client.

You have another option for inserting multiple rows of data into the table— that reduces the number of round-trips and improves application performance, database performance, and network resource use. Rather than having the application send a single row of data to the database at a time, it can use array binding to send the data in batches of rows. Therefore, you reduce a lot the number of round-trips to be processed, and enhance performance by a factor of about 100.

Our SynDB unit has been enhanced to introduce new TSQLDBStatement.BindArray() methods, introducing array binding for faster database batch modifications (only implemented in SynDBOracle by now - but MS SQL has a similar feature called OleDB bulk insert).
It is available from the ORM side or mORMot, when working with external tables, in BATCH mode.

Thanks to this enhancement, inserting records within Oracle comes from 400-500 rows per second to more than 50000 rows per second!
It was also a good opportunity to speed up the BATCH process globally, and to benchmark our Oracle back-end against existing external databases, i.e. SQLite3 (as file or in-memory), and Jet / MS Access / .mdb engine.

Note that this article scope is only about virtual tables linked to external databases (i.e. TSQLRecordExternal). Plain TSQLRecord classes will access directly to the SQLite3 engine or in-memory TList, so speed will be even higher than the below values.

Featuring benchmark source code and nice performance charts.

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One ORM to rule them all

If you discovered the mORMot framework, you may have found out that its implementation may sound restricted, in comparison to other ORMs, due to its design. It would be easy to answer that "it is not a bug, it is a feature", but I suspect it is worth a dedicated article.

Some common (and founded) criticisms are the following (quoting from our forum - see e.g. this question):
- "One of the things I don't like so much about your approach to the ORM is the mis-use of existing Delphi constructs like "index n" attribute for the maximum length of a string-property. Other ORMs solve this i.e. with official Class-attributes";
- "You have to inherit from TSQLRecord, and can't persist any plain class";
- "There is no way to easily map an existing complex database".

I understand very well those concerns.
Our mORMot framework is not meant to fit any purpose, but it is worth understanding why it has been implemented as such, and why it may be quite unique within the family of ORMs - which almost all are following the Hibernate way of doing.

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Better Unicode support in Reports and PDF generation

By default, both GDI+ anti-aliased drawing and PDF file generation using our libraries did lack of font-fallback implementation.

If some of the characters in a string are not supported in a requested font, they were drawn as square symbols on the GDI+ canvas or the PDF content.

The font-fallback mechanism implemented will use a third-party font (Arial Unicode MS by default, which is installed with Microsoft Office), for any glyph that are missing when rendering the content. Of course, for PDF generation, you are able to embed the font within the generated file (this is by the way mandatory for PDF/A-1 format).

Both of these new features are handled by the SQlite3Pages unit, i.e. for report anti-aliased drawing preview and PDF generation.

By the way, the TGDIPages class itself (the one used for report generation from code) now handles by default Unicode text, even with Delphi versions prior to 2009 (via the SynUnicode string type, which maps WideString before Delphi 2009, then UnicodeString starting with Delphi 2009). Does make sense with such a font-fallback mechanism.

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Use TDataSet in mORMot or SynDB

In our documentation, and in all our code source, we avoid using the VCL DB.pas related units, and all the associated RAD components.

This is by design, since our experiment encouraged us to "think ORM, forget anything about RAD (and even SQL in most cases)" in mORMot.
And it introduced some nice border-side effect to Delphi users, e.g. that even a "Delphi Starter Edition" is able to use mORMot, have access to SQLite3, MS SQL or Oracle or any other DB, add interface-based RESTful JSON services over it, just for free...

But in the real world, you may need to upgrade some existing application, get rid of the BDE, or add a SOA layer over an existing business intelligence.
And mORMot is able to serve you well in those scenarios.
That's why we just added a first attempt to expose SynDB results and mORMOt TSQLTableJSON content into a TDataSet.

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SynDBExplorer enhancements

Our SynDBExplorer free tool has been enhanced. A SQL request history has been added to the software. It is now able to handle directly Jet / MSAccess .mdb files. It has also several fixes included (including Oracle direct link), and the internal SQLite3 engine has been updated to its latest  […]

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Circular reference and zeroing weak pointers

The memory allocation model of the Delphi interface type uses some kind of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). In order to avoid memory and resource leaks and potential random errors in the applications (aka the terrible EAccessViolation exception on customer side) when using interface, a SOA framework like mORMot has to offer so-called Weak pointers and Zeroing Weak pointers features.

Note that garbage collector based languages (like Java or C#) do not suffer from this problem, since the circular references are handled by their memory model: objects lifetime are maintained globally by the memory manager. Of course, it will increase memory use, slowdown the process due to additional actions during allocation and assignments (all objects and their references have to be maintained in internal lists), and may slow down the application when garbage collector enters in action. In order to avoid such issues when performance matters, experts tend to pre-allocate and re-use objects: this is one common limitation of this memory model, and why Delphi is still a good candidate (like unmanaged C or C++ - and also Objective C) when it deals with performance and stability.

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Introducing TInterfacedCollection dedicated class

A TInterfacedCollection dedicated class has been defined, properly handling collection item creation on the Server side, with interface-based services: all contract operations shall use a class inheriting from it, instead of the standard TCollection, which was not defined as needed for our high-level needs.

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Retrieve the object instance from an interface

It is pretty useful, in some cases, to retrieve a class instance from a given interface.
You should better use interfaces in your business logic, but having access to the underlying implementation is needed at lower level.

Beginning with Delphi 2010, you are able to use the as operator, e.g. via aObject := aInterface as TObject or aObject  := TObject(aInterface).
This operator use a special hidden interface GUID (ObjCastGUID) to retrieve the object instance, calling an enhanced version of TObject.GetInterface.

But if you want to maintain compatibility with older version of Delphi (as we want for mORMot to work with the beloved Delphi 6 or 7), you'll have to find a way.

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Synopse mORMot Framework 1.16

Our Open Source mORMot framework is now available in revision 1.16.

The main new features are the following:

Thanks to its features, mORMot is now able to provide a stand-alone Domain-Driven Design framework for Delphi.

Quite a long and nice road for a little mORMot, and more to come!

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Domain-Driven design

With a previous article, we introduced the concept of "Domain-Driven design" into our framework presentation.

It's now time to detail a bit more this very nice software architecture design, and how mORMot is able to achieve such an implementation pattern.

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Custom JSON serialization of records

By default, during interface-based service call, any record parameter or function result will be serialized with our proprietary binary (and optimized layout) - i.e. RecordLoad and RecordSave functions - then encoded in Base-64, to be stored as plain text within the JSON stream.

But custom record JSON serialization can be defined, as with any class - see this article - or dynamic array - see this article.

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The mORMot attitude

In a discussion with Henrick Hellström, in Embarcadero forums, I wrote some high-level information about mORMot.

It was clear to me that our little mORMot is now far away from a simple Client-Server solution.

The Henrick point was that with Real Thin Client (RTC), you are able to write any Client-Server solution, even a RESTful / JSON based one.

He is of course right, but it made clear to me all the work done in mORMot since its beginning.
From a Client-Server ORM, it is now a complete SOA framework, ready to serve Domain-Driven-Design solutions.

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Custom JSON serialization of any class

By default, our mORMot framework is able to serialize any class into a true JSON object.

All published properties will be written as JSON object members.

In some cases, it may be handy to have a custom serialization, for instance if you want to manage some third-party classes, or to adapt the serialization scheme to a particular purpose, at runtime.

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Custom JSON serialization of any dynamic array content

One nice feature of the TDynArray wrapper and its associated methods, as defined and used in our framework, is the ability to serialize any dynamic array as JSON content.

By default, only "standard" dynamic arrays (like TIntegerDynArray) are serialized as true JSON array: other not known kind of arrays are serialized as binary content, within a Base64 encoding.

This is a very efficient solution for a pure Delphi application, since it will be fast and always works, but won't be easy to deal with from an AJAX client.

Applications can now supply a custom JSON serialization for any other dynamic array, via the TTextWriter.RegisterCustomJSONSerializer() class method.
Two callbacks are to be supplied for a dynamic array type information, in order to handle proper serialization and un-serialization of the JSON array.

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Delphi and interfaces

No, interface(-book) is not another social network, sorry.

In Delphi OOP model, an interface defines a type that comprises abstract virtual methods.
The short, easy definition is that an interface is a declaration of functionality without an implementation of that functionality. It defines "what" is available, not "how" it is made available. This is the so called "abstraction" benefit of interfaces (there are another benefits, like orthogonality of interfaces to classes, but we'll see it later).

In its upcoming 1.16 revision, our mORMot framework is able to use interface for its service definition.

So we'll discuss and introduce this gem available in all modern languages - including Delphi: interfaces.

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SynDBExplorer fast direct export

The Open Source SynDBExplorer tool has been enhanced these days.

Main new features are:

  • Execution of the current selected text (if any) instead of the whole memo content;
  • "Exec & Export" new button, for direct export to file.
I really like the selection execution feature - this speed up SQL process a lot, and allow to switch from one statement to another.
And the new exporting features are opening new possibilities.

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Strong-typing just rocks

To my understanding, the so-called "strong-typing" feature is one big benefit of the Delphi object pascal language.

As stated by wikipedia:

Most generally, "strong typing" implies that the programming language places severe restrictions on the intermixing that is permitted to occur, preventing the compiling or running of source code which uses data in what is considered to be an invalid way. For instance, an addition operation may not be used with an integer and string values; a procedure which operates upon linked lists may not be used upon numbers. However, the nature and strength of these restrictions is highly variable.

Some Delphi users may find this is a limitation of the language, in comparison with other "fashionable" script idioms (like Python, Javascript of Ruby). For me, runtime strong typing (alla Python or Ruby) is not true strong typing. Simon Stuart just proposed a smartstring kind of string, which is in fact a weakstring type. As far as I understood his point, he wanted to get rid of all the warnings emitted by Unicode-version of the Delphi compiler, about explicit string conversion.

In fact, I use to go in the opposite direction. For wide projects, strong-typing is one of the big benefit of using Delphi (like other main "serious" languages like Java, C, C++, Ada or C#).

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Avoiding Garbage Collector: Delphi and Apple side by side

Among all trolling subject in forums, you'll find out the great Garbage Collection theme.

Fashion languages rely on it. At the core of the .Net and Java framework, and all scripting languages (like JavaScript, Perl, Python or Ruby), you'll find a Garbage Collector. New developers, just released from schools, do learn about handling memory only in theory, and just can't understand how is memory allocated - we all have seen such rookies involved in Delphi code maintenance, leaking memory as much as they type. In fact, most of them did not understood how a computer works. I warned you this will be a trolling subject.

And, in Delphi, there is no such collector. We handle memory in several ways:

  • Creating static variables - e.g. on the stack, inside a class or globally;
  • Creating objects with class instances allocated on heap - in at least three ways: with a try..finally Free block, with a TComponent ownership model in the VCL, or by using an interface (which creates an hidden try..finally Free block);
  • Creating reference-counted variables, i.e. string, array of, interface or variant kind of variables.

It is a bit complex, but it is also deadly powerful. You have several memory allocation models at hand, which can be very handy if you want to tune your performance and let program scale. Just like manual recycling at home will save the planet. Some programmers will tell you that it's a waste of cell brain, typing and time. Linux kernel gurus would not say so, I'm afraid.

Then came the big Apple company, which presented its new ARC model (introduced in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion) as a huge benefit for Objective-C in comparison with the Garbage Collection model. And let's face it: this ARC just sounds like the Delphi memory model.

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