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Advanced mocks and stubs

Let's see some advanced topics about mORMot's mocking and stubbing features:

  • How to handle complex values in parameters / arguments or results, like record;
  • Stubbing via a custom delegate or callback;
  • Calls tracing.

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Interfaces in practice: dependency injection, stubs and mocks

In order to fulfill the SOLID principles, two features are to be available when handling interfaces:

  • Dependency injection; 
  • Stubbing and mocking of interfaces for proper testing.

We will show now how mORMot provides all needed features for such patterns, testing a simple "forgot my password" scenario: a password shall be computed for a given user name, then transmitted via SMS, and its record shall be updated in the database.

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Stubs and Mocks for Delphi with mORMot

Our mORMot framework is now able to stub or mock any Delphi interface.

As usual, the best way to explain what a library does is to look at the code using it.
Here is an example (similar to the one shipped with RhinoMocks) of verifying that when we execute the "forgot my password" scenario, we remembered to call the Save() method properly:

procedure TMyTest.ForgotMyPassword;
var SmsSender: ISmsSender;
    UserRepository: IUserRepository;
  with TLoginController.Create(UserRepository,SmsSender) do

And... that's all, since the verification will take place when IUserRepository instance will be release.

If you want to follow the "test spy" pattern (i.e. no expectation defined a priori, but manual check after the execution), you can use:

procedure TMyTest.ForgotMyPassword;
var SmsSender: ISmsSender;
    UserRepository: IUserRepository;
    Spy: TInterfaceMockSpy;
  Spy := TInterfaceMockSpy.Create(TypeInfo(IUserRepository),UserRepository,self);
  with TLoginController.Create(UserRepository,SmsSender) do

This is something unique with our library: you can decide if you want to use the classic "expect-run-verify" pattern, or the somewhat more direct "run-verify" / "test spy" pattern.
With mORMot, you pick up your mocking class (either TInterfaceMock or TInterfaceMockSpy), then use it as intended. You can even mix the two aspects in the same instance! It is just a matter of taste and opportunity for you to use the right pattern.

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ACID and speed

As stated during our recent benchmarks, the default SQlite3 write speed is quite slow, when running on a normal hard drive. By default, the engine will pause after issuing a OS-level write command. This guarantees that the data is written to the disk, and features the ACID properties of the database engine.

ACID is an acronym for "Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability" properties, which guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably: for instance, in case of a power loss or hardware failure, the data will be saved on disk in a consistent way, with no potential loss of data.

You can overwrite this default behavior by setting the TSQLDataBase.Synchronous property to smOff instead of the default smFull setting. When Synchronous is set to smOff, SQLite continues without syncing as soon as it has handed data off to the operating system. If the application running SQLite crashes, the data will be safe, but the database might become corrupted if the operating system crashes or the computer loses power before that data has been written to the disk surface. On the other hand, some operations are as much as 50 or more times faster with this setting.

When the same tests are performed with Synchronous := smOff, "Write one" speed is enhanced from 8-9 rows per second into about 400 rows per second, on a physical hard drive (SSD or NAS drives may not suffer from this delay). We'll show below the detailed benchmark results.

So depending on your application requirements, you may switch Synchronous setting to off, to enhance server-side responsiveness.

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One ORM to rule them all

If you discovered the mORMot framework, you may have found out that its implementation may sound restricted, in comparison to other ORMs, due to its design. It would be easy to answer that "it is not a bug, it is a feature", but I suspect it is worth a dedicated article.

Some common (and founded) criticisms are the following (quoting from our forum - see e.g. this question):
- "One of the things I don't like so much about your approach to the ORM is the mis-use of existing Delphi constructs like "index n" attribute for the maximum length of a string-property. Other ORMs solve this i.e. with official Class-attributes";
- "You have to inherit from TSQLRecord, and can't persist any plain class";
- "There is no way to easily map an existing complex database".

I understand very well those concerns.
Our mORMot framework is not meant to fit any purpose, but it is worth understanding why it has been implemented as such, and why it may be quite unique within the family of ORMs - which almost all are following the Hibernate way of doing.

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Domain-Driven design

With a previous article, we introduced the concept of "Domain-Driven design" into our framework presentation.

It's now time to detail a bit more this very nice software architecture design, and how mORMot is able to achieve such an implementation pattern.

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Recursive calls and private objects

In a Stack Overflow question, someone asked about some nested procedure call he found out. That is, a procedure inside another procedure.

He found out this coding style to be messy, which sounds like a reasonable opinion. But his alternative proposal of putting the internal procedure outside the main one, i.e. making it global, is IMHO even worse.

In some case, a private class, or even record or object with methods is an handy and maintainable implementation pattern.

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Custom JSON serialization of records

By default, during interface-based service call, any record parameter or function result will be serialized with our proprietary binary (and optimized layout) - i.e. RecordLoad and RecordSave functions - then encoded in Base-64, to be stored as plain text within the JSON stream.

But custom record JSON serialization can be defined, as with any class - see this article - or dynamic array - see this article.

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The mORMot attitude

In a discussion with Henrick Hellström, in Embarcadero forums, I wrote some high-level information about mORMot.

It was clear to me that our little mORMot is now far away from a simple Client-Server solution.

The Henrick point was that with Real Thin Client (RTC), you are able to write any Client-Server solution, even a RESTful / JSON based one.

He is of course right, but it made clear to me all the work done in mORMot since its beginning.
From a Client-Server ORM, it is now a complete SOA framework, ready to serve Domain-Driven-Design solutions.

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Delphi and interfaces

No, interface(-book) is not another social network, sorry.

In Delphi OOP model, an interface defines a type that comprises abstract virtual methods.
The short, easy definition is that an interface is a declaration of functionality without an implementation of that functionality. It defines "what" is available, not "how" it is made available. This is the so called "abstraction" benefit of interfaces (there are another benefits, like orthogonality of interfaces to classes, but we'll see it later).

In its upcoming 1.16 revision, our mORMot framework is able to use interface for its service definition.

So we'll discuss and introduce this gem available in all modern languages - including Delphi: interfaces.

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Hash collision attack

A variety of programming languages suffer from a denial-of-service (DoS) condition against storage functions of key/value pairs in hash data structures, the condition can be leveraged by exploiting predictable collisions in the underlying hashing algorithms.

The issue finds particular exposure in web server applications and/or frameworks. In particular, the lack of sufficient limits for the number of parameters in POST requests in conjunction with the predictable collision properties in the hashing functions of the underlying languages can render web applications vulnerable to the DoS condition. The attacker, using specially crafted HTTP requests, can lead to a 100% of CPU usage which can last up to several hours depending on the targeted application and server performance, the amplification effect is considerable and requires little bandwidth and time on the attacker side.

Source: #2011-003 multiple implementations denial-of-service via hash algorithm collision

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Strong-typing just rocks

To my understanding, the so-called "strong-typing" feature is one big benefit of the Delphi object pascal language.

As stated by wikipedia:

Most generally, "strong typing" implies that the programming language places severe restrictions on the intermixing that is permitted to occur, preventing the compiling or running of source code which uses data in what is considered to be an invalid way. For instance, an addition operation may not be used with an integer and string values; a procedure which operates upon linked lists may not be used upon numbers. However, the nature and strength of these restrictions is highly variable.

Some Delphi users may find this is a limitation of the language, in comparison with other "fashionable" script idioms (like Python, Javascript of Ruby). For me, runtime strong typing (alla Python or Ruby) is not true strong typing. Simon Stuart just proposed a smartstring kind of string, which is in fact a weakstring type. As far as I understood his point, he wanted to get rid of all the warnings emitted by Unicode-version of the Delphi compiler, about explicit string conversion.

In fact, I use to go in the opposite direction. For wide projects, strong-typing is one of the big benefit of using Delphi (like other main "serious" languages like Java, C, C++, Ada or C#).

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Avoiding Garbage Collector: Delphi and Apple side by side

Among all trolling subject in forums, you'll find out the great Garbage Collection theme.

Fashion languages rely on it. At the core of the .Net and Java framework, and all scripting languages (like JavaScript, Perl, Python or Ruby), you'll find a Garbage Collector. New developers, just released from schools, do learn about handling memory only in theory, and just can't understand how is memory allocated - we all have seen such rookies involved in Delphi code maintenance, leaking memory as much as they type. In fact, most of them did not understood how a computer works. I warned you this will be a trolling subject.

And, in Delphi, there is no such collector. We handle memory in several ways:

  • Creating static variables - e.g. on the stack, inside a class or globally;
  • Creating objects with class instances allocated on heap - in at least three ways: with a try..finally Free block, with a TComponent ownership model in the VCL, or by using an interface (which creates an hidden try..finally Free block);
  • Creating reference-counted variables, i.e. string, array of, interface or variant kind of variables.

It is a bit complex, but it is also deadly powerful. You have several memory allocation models at hand, which can be very handy if you want to tune your performance and let program scale. Just like manual recycling at home will save the planet. Some programmers will tell you that it's a waste of cell brain, typing and time. Linux kernel gurus would not say so, I'm afraid.

Then came the big Apple company, which presented its new ARC model (introduced in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion) as a huge benefit for Objective-C in comparison with the Garbage Collection model. And let's face it: this ARC just sounds like the Delphi memory model.

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SOLID design principles

Delphi is sometimes assimilated to a RAD product - and this is a marketing label - but IMHO Delphi is much more than RAD.
With Delphi, you can make very serious and clean programming.

Including SOLID style of coding.

The acronym SOLID is derived from the following OOP principles (quoted from the corresponding Wikipedia article):

  • Single responsibility principle: the notion that an object should have only a single responsibility;
  • Open/closed principle: the notion that “software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification”;
  • Liskov substitution principle: the notion that “objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program” - also named as "design by contract";
  • Interface segregation principle: the notion that “many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface.”;
  • Dependency inversion principle: the notion that one should “Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.”. Dependency injection is one method of following this principle.

If you have some programming skills, those principles are general statements you may already found out by yourself. If you start doing serious object-oriented coding, those principles are best-practice guidelines you would gain following.

They certainly help to fight the three main code weaknesses:

  • Rigidity – Hard to change something because every change affects too many other parts of the system;
  • Fragility – When you make a change, unexpected parts of the system break;
  • Immobility – Hard to reuse in another application because it cannot be disentangled from the current application.

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Multi-threading and Delphi

Writing working multi-threaded code is not easy - it's even hard, as as a Delphi expert just wrote in his blog.

In fact, the first step into multi-thread application development could be:

"protect your shared variables with locks (aka critical sections), because you are not sure that the data you read/write is the same for all threads".

The CPU per-core cache is just one of the possible issues, which will lead into reading wrong values. Another issue which may lead into race condition is two threads writing to a resource at the same time: it's impossible to know which value will be stored afterward.

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Enhanced Log viewer

We already shipped a sophisticated set of logging classes some month ago.

Since then, its features have been enhanced, and the system has been deeply interfaced with our main ORM framework. Now almost all low-level or high-level operations can be logged on request.

But since the log files tend to be huge (for instance, if you set the logging for our unitary tests, the 6,000,000 unitary tests creates a 280 MB log file), a log viewer was definitively in need.

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Is Object-Relational Mapping the Paradise of Computer Science?

There is a well known syndrome around, against ORM.

Do you remember The Vietnam of Computer Science article?

It is worth reading... and commenting.
Sounds a bit outdated by now. Tempus fugit!

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Which Delphi compiler produces faster code?

After a question on StackOverflow, I wanted to comment about the speed of generated code by diverse Delphi compiler versions.

Since performance matters when we write general purpose libraries like ours, we have some feedback to propose:

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Business rules: validate and filter data

According to the n-Tier architecture, data filtering and validation should be implemented in the business logic, not in the User Interface.

If you were used to develop RAD database application using Delphi, you may have to change a bit your habits here. Data filtering and validation should be implemented not in the User Interface, but in pure Delphi code.

Data filtering is a process run on the User entry: for instance, it will trim left or right spaces, make the text uppercase...
Data validating is performed before saving the data to the database: for instance, an email address is checked for consistency, a field value to be unique...

Some try to implement this using an external scripting engine, in a procedure/event mode. Back to the 80th...
In our ORM framework, filtering and validation can be performed by creating some Delphi classes, which may be used on both Server and Client side.

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How to implement RESTful authentication

How to handle authentication in a RESTful Client-Server architecture is a matter of debate.

Commonly, it can be achieved, in the SOA over HTTP world via:
- HTTP basic auth over HTTPS;
- Cookies and session management;
- Query Authentication with additional signature parameters.

We'll have to adapt, or even better mix those techniques, to match our framework architecture at best.

Each authentication scheme has its own PROs and CONs, depending on the purpose of your security policy and software architecture.

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