March 2020 (4)


Debriefing of mORMot2 Survey

Thanks you all for have posted your feedback on our mORMot2 Survey!

Here are some insights.

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Faster Double-To-Text Conversion

On server side, a lot of CPU is done processing conversions to or from text. Mainly JSON these days.

In mORMot, we take care a lot about performance, so we have rewritten most conversion functions to have something faster than the Delphi or FPC RTL can offer.
Only float to text conversion was not available. And RTL str/floattexttext performance, at least under Delphi, is not consistent among platforms.
So we just added a new Double-To-Text set of functions.

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We Need U: Survey about mORMot 2.0

First of all, if it was not clear enough: Delphi will continue to be supported in mORMot 2.0. Some people reported that our previous article may have been misleading. But perhaps not all versions. For sure, Delphi 5 and Kylix will not be supported in mORMot 2. It is also possible that it would not  […]

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Preparing Revision 2.x of the mORMot Framework

The more I think of it, the more I am convinced it is time to change how the framework is versioned.
We have version 1.18 since years... difficult to follow... time to upgrade!

I would like to upgrade mORMot to version 2 - with a major refactoring.

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