November 2018 (3)


mORMot running on Delphi 10.3 Rio

Now that Delphi 10.3 Rio is out, we had to ensure that our little mORMot would run with this revision. Since we don't make any commercial software with Delphi any more (we switched to FPC), I downloaded the Community Edition. We disabled the Error Insight feature, which seems not very stable  […]

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Win 100GB of log space from a Real Life mORMot Project

Sometimes, I am asked what could be done with mORMot. Well, we've been using the library at LiveMon to analyse logs for example. And we're able to get speed of a few TB/sec. Speed above is no typo: TB/s not GB/s. For a regex search, not a per-word dictionary based lookup. With a cross-platform  […]

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EKON 22 Slides and Code

I've uploaded two sets of slides from my presentations at EKON 22 : Object Pascal Clean Code Guidelines Proposal High Performance Object Pascal Code on Servers with the associated source code The WorkShop about "Getting REST with mORMot" has a corresponding new Samples folder in our  […]

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