November 2014 (7)


ODM magic: complex queries over NoSQL / MongoDB

You know that our mORMot is able to access directly any MongoDB database engine, allowing its ORM to become an ODM, and using NoSQL instead of SQL for the query languages.

But at mORMot level, you could share the same code between your RDBMS and NoSQL databases.
The ORM/ODM is able to do all the conversions by itself!
Since we have just improved this feature, it is time to enlighten its current status.

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Breaking change: New SynLog and SynTests unit extracted from SynCommons.pas

In order to enhance code modularity, we extracted logging and testing features from SynCommons.pas. Discover the new SynLog.pas and SynTests.pas units! Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes. This is a breaking change... Ensure you add SynLog and/or SynTests to your uses clauses, just  […]

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BeDelphi 2014 Slides

We just finished our Be-Delphi 2014 sessions and drank our last beers, so here we are.

I published some slides for this great event.

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HTTP remote access for SynDB SQL execution

For mORMot, we developed a fully feature direct access layer to any RDBMS, implemented in the SynDB.pas unit.

You can use those SynDB classes to execute any SQL statement, without any link to the framework ORM.
At reading, the resulting performance is much higher than using the standard TDataSet component, which is in fact a true performance bottleneck.
It has genuine features, like column access via late-binding, an innovative ISQLDBRows interface, and ability to directly access the low-level binary buffers of the database clients.

We just added a nice feature to those classes: the ability to access remotely, via plain HTTP, to any SynDB supported database!

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BREAKING CHANGE - TSQLRecord.ID primary key changed to TID: Int64

Up to now, the TSQLRecord.ID property was defined in mORMot.pas as a plain PtrInt/NativeInt (i.e. Integer under Win32), since it was type-cast as pointer for TSQLRecord published properties.
We introduced a new TID type, so that the ORM primary key would now be defined as Int64.

All the framework ORM process relies on the TSQLRecord class.
This abstract TSQLRecord class features a lot of built-in methods, convenient to do most of the ORM process in a generic way, at record level.

It first defines a primary key field, defined as ID: TID, i.e. as Int64 in mORMot.pas:

  TID = type Int64;
  TSQLRecord = class(TObject)
    property ID: TID read GetID write fID;

In fact, our ORM relies now on a Int64 primary key, matching the SQLite3 ID/RowID primary key.
This primary key will be used as RESTful resource identifier, for all CRUD operations.

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Automatic TSQLRecord memory handling

Working with objects is pretty powerful, but requires to handle manually the created instances life time, via try .. finally blocks. Most of the time, the TSQLRecord life time would be very short: we allocate one instance on a local variable, then release it when it goes out of scope.

If we take again the TSQLBaby sample, we may write:

function NewMaleBaby(Client: TSQLRest; const Name,Address: RawUTF8): TID;
var Baby: TSQLBaby;   // store a record
  Baby := TSQLBaby.Create;
    Baby.Name := Name;
    Baby.Address := Address;
    Baby.BirthDate := Date;
    Baby.Sex := sMale;
    result := Client.Add(Baby);

To ease this pretty usual pattern, the framework offers some kind of automatic memory management at TSQLRecord level:

function NewMaleBaby(Client: TSQLRest; const Name,Address: RawUTF8): TID;
var Baby: TSQLBaby;   // store a record
  TSQLBaby.AutoFree(Baby);  // no try..finally needed!
  Baby.Name := Name;
  Baby.Address := Address;
  Baby.BirthDate := Date;
  Baby.Sex := sMale;
  result := Client.Add(Baby);
end; // local Baby instance will be released here

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mORMot documentation as web

We have enhanced our SynProject Open Source tool, so that it is now able to generate its documentation as HTML, in addition to doc/pdf documents. You can take a look at this web page. It contains the whole SAD 1.18 content. The pdf is more than 16 MB, whereas this html page is only 6MB. Note that  […]

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