November 2011 (5)


AJAX authentication

A nice framework user, named esmondb, did write and publish some JavaScript code to handle our RESTful authentication mechanism.

It seems to work well, and implements all secure hashing and challenging.
Our authentication mechanism is much more advanced than the one used by DataSnap - which is a basic HTTP authentication with the password transmitted in clear (this is the reason why it shall better be used over HTTPS, whereas mORMot can be used over plain HTTP).
Resulting JavaScript code seems not difficult to follow, even for a no JS expert like me.

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SOLID design principles

Delphi is sometimes assimilated to a RAD product - and this is a marketing label - but IMHO Delphi is much more than RAD.
With Delphi, you can make very serious and clean programming.

Including SOLID style of coding.

The acronym SOLID is derived from the following OOP principles (quoted from the corresponding Wikipedia article):

  • Single responsibility principle: the notion that an object should have only a single responsibility;
  • Open/closed principle: the notion that “software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification”;
  • Liskov substitution principle: the notion that “objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program” - also named as "design by contract";
  • Interface segregation principle: the notion that “many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface.”;
  • Dependency inversion principle: the notion that one should “Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.”. Dependency injection is one method of following this principle.

If you have some programming skills, those principles are general statements you may already found out by yourself. If you start doing serious object-oriented coding, those principles are best-practice guidelines you would gain following.

They certainly help to fight the three main code weaknesses:

  • Rigidity – Hard to change something because every change affects too many other parts of the system;
  • Fragility – When you make a change, unexpected parts of the system break;
  • Immobility – Hard to reuse in another application because it cannot be disentangled from the current application.

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Modification of TSQLRestServerCallBack method prototype

In order to implement some RESTful Services, a callback has to be defined on the server side.

The prototype of these method has been modified, to supply an additional aSession: cardinal parameter: this is a CODE BREAK change and you shall refresh ALL your server-side code to match the new signature.

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Does speed matters?

Luigi Sandon wrote on Embarcadero's forum

And then you ask yourself: "why use a native compiler if its code may be even slower than jitted one?". Hope the new developers will also develop better and faster code - and not viceversa.

Embarcadero is just following the Wirth's law slower than others:

"Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster"

Speed is only a matter of compiler for mathematical computing intensive tasks.
Most of the time, in real apps (like business apps), the main speed issue is more the framework size (and the number of dll invoked), memory consumption, and general design (e.g. how caching and SQL are written).

Delphi, Java or .Net can do slow apps.
Delphi, Java or .Net can do fast apps.

You can do small and fast stand-alone apps with Delphi, running from Windows 2000 to Windows 8.
It is not possible with Java nor .Net.

This is the main difference IMHO with native code and JIT - about memory use, ease of distribution and no need of an external runtime framework.

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Currency is your friend

The currency type is the standard Delphi type to be used when storing and handling monetary values. It will avoid any rounding problems, with 4 decimals precision. It is able to safely store numbers in the range -922337203685477.5808 .. 922337203685477.5807. Should be enough for your pocket change.

As stated by the official Delphi documentation:

Currency is a fixed-point data type that minimizes rounding errors in monetary calculations. On the Win32 platform, it is stored as a scaled 64-bit integer with the four least significant digits implicitly representing decimal places. When mixed with other real types in assignments and expressions, Currency values are automatically divided or multiplied by 10000.

In fact, this type matches the corresponding OLE and .Net implementation of currency, and the one used by most database providers (when it comes to money, a dedicated type is worth the cost in a "rich man's world"). It is still implemented the same in the Win64 platform (since XE 2). The Int64 binary representation of the currency type (i.e. value*10000 as accessible via PInt64(aCurrencyValue)^) is a safe and fast implementation pattern.

In our framework, we tried to avoid any unnecessary conversion to float values when dealing with currency values. Some dedicated functions have been implemented for fast and secure access to currency published properties via RTTI, especially when converting values to or from JSON text. Using the Int64 binary representation can be not only faster, but also safer: you will avoid any rounding problem which may be introduced by the conversion to a float type. Rounding issues are a nightmare to track - it sounds safe to have a framework handling natively a currency type from the ground up.

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