July 2010 (12)


Compiler enhancement proposal: threadlocalvar

As I wrote in a previous post, Delphi string, dynamic array and memory manager don't like multi-core CPU.

My proposal is to add a threadlocalvar keyword, to be used instead of var in your code, to mark some variables to be used in only the current thread. Then the compiler and RTL won't have to use the LOCK instruction, and the application will be MUCH faster in multi-thread environment.

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Hyphenation in Delphi

We made some years ago a Delphi unit for hyphenation of text.

Such an unit, together with our SynPdf library for example, could be useful in your application. So we released the source!

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Damnatio Memoriae

You sure heard about the "CrossKylixGate"... A Great tool I used for years (CrossKylix) has just been updated. Its author (named Simon) posted an announcement in the Embarcadero forums. Then the post has been deleted by "Team B" members, because of some old story.

But not only Simon has been censured. Since I like and use this free tool, I posted a very "soft" post just with the announcement of the CrossKylix update, with some explanations and precisions. No debate. Just a link to the download page. Then my whole thread was deleted.

It just sounds like a "damnatio memoriae" to me.

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Unit Testing light in Delphi

Automated Unit Testing is a great improvement in coding safe applications.

If you don't know about it, visit http://xprogramming.com/index.php then come back here, and you'll discover how we implement unit testing in a KISS way, in pure Delphi code.

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Synopse SQLite3 Framework 1.8

The Synopse SQLite3 Database Framework was just released under Version 1.8.

SQLite3 just officially reached version 3.7.0, so it's time to commit our changes from our source code repository to the main "stable" zip.

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Delphi doesn't like multi-core CPUs (or the contrary)

If you're like me, you are proud of the new CPU your computer runs on - in my case a i7-720Q with 8 embedded cores...

But Delphi is not very multi-thread or multi-core friendly... guess why....

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htm2pdf free tool

Using our SynPDF library and a public domain THtmlView component, and discussion with some of our users, we were able to make a html to pdf conversion tool.

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Draft Documentation of the Synopse SQLite3 Framework

As a tutorial about SynProject, the documentation for the SQLite3 framework itself has been generated for the first time.

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How to unzip or zip files content

Didn't you ever wanted to unzip some archive content, or embed a zip file into your exe?

Didn't you ever wanted to create a zip archive file, from some data in memory, in pure Delphi code, without using any external dll?

One of the open source unit we use allow you to do these tasks in a easy way.

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SynProject screen shots available

On the wiki of the Source Code repository, I've added some screen shots of our SynProject tool.

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Named Pipe, Vista, Seven and Service

If you want some local communicate between a service software and a front-end GUI application, named pipes are a viable mechanism for this communication. It worked fine until Windows XP, then came Vista, Seven, and the UAC...

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JSON format of a RESTful application

RESTful JSON is still a buzzing process... there is no standard yet, and they should not be, since JSON itself has its own RFC, and REST is a powerful but vague statement.

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