
Fastest AES-PRNG, AES-CTR and AES-GCM Delphi implementation

Last week, I committed new ASM implementations of our AES-PRNG, AES-CTR and AES-GCM for mORMot 2.
They handle eight 128-bit at once in an interleaved fashion, as permitted by the CTR chaining mode. The aes-ni opcodes (aesenc aesenclast) are used for AES process, and the GMAC of the AES-GCM mode is computed using the pclmulqdq opcode.

Resulting performance is amazing: on my simple Core i3, I reach 2.6 GB/s for aes-128-ctr, and 1.5 GB/s for aes-128-gcm for instance - the first being actually faster than OpenSSL!

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SynCrypto: SSE4 x64 optimized asm for SHA-256

We have just included some optimized x64 assembler to our Open Source SynCrypto.pas unit so that SHA-256 hashing will perform at best speed.
It is an adaptation from tuned Intel's assembly macros, which makes use of the SSE4 instruction set, if available.

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