
New Multi-thread Friendly Memory Manager for FPC written in x86_64 assembly

As a gift to the FPC community, I just committed a new Memory Manager for FPC.
Check mormot.core.fpcx64mm.pas in our mORMot2 repository.
This is a stand-alone unit for FPC only.

It targets Windows and Linux multi-threaded Service applications - typically mORMot daemons.
It is written in almost pure x86_64 assembly, and some unique tricks in the Delphi/FPC Memory Manager world.

It is based on FastMM4 (not FastMM5), and we didn't follow the path of the FastMM4-AVX version - instead of AVX, we use plain good (non-temporal) SSE2 opcode, and we rely on the mremap API on Linux for very efficient reallocation. Using mremap is perhaps the biggest  benefit of this memory manager - it leverages a killer feature of the Linux kernel for sure. By the way, we directly call the Kernel without the need of the libc.

We tuned our x86_64 assembly a lot, and made it cross-platform (Windows and POSIX). We profiled the multi-threading, especially by adding some additional small blocks for GetMem (which is a less expensive notion of "arenas" as used in FastMM5 and most C allocators), introducing an innovatice and very efficient round-robin of tiny blocks (<128 bytes), and proper spinning for FreeMem and medium blocks.

It runs all our regression tests with huge performance and stability - including multi-threaded tests with almost no slow down: sleep is reported as less than 1 ms during a 1 minute test. It has also been validated on some demanding multi-threaded tasks.

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New Open Source Multi-Thread ready Memory Manager: SAPMM

Do you remember this former article about scalability of the Delphi memory manager, in multi-thread execution context?

Our SynScaleMM is still experimental.
But did pretty well, for an experiment!

At first, you can take a look at ScaleMM2, which is more stable, and based on the same ground.

But a new multi-thread friendly memory manager for Delphi just came out.
It is in fact the anonymous (and already famous) "NN memory manager" Primož talked about in his article about string building and memory managers.

(Note that in this article, our SynScaleMM was found to be scaling very well, but on the other hand, Primož did compile its benchmark program in Debug mode, so our TTextWriter was not in good shape: when you compile in Release mode, optimizations and inlining are ON, and our good TTextWriter just flies... See the note at the beginning of the article - this is why I never find those benchmarks very informative. I always prefer profiling from the real world with real useful process… and was never convinced by any such naive benchmark.)

OK, back to our business!

SapMM is an interesting beast.

Sounds like if Alexei (the initial coder) has a C coding background. But that's fine when you have to deal with low-level structures and algorithms, as required by a memory manager. :)
It features everything we may ask for such a piece of code: clear design, optimized code (mostly by inlining process), memory leak reporting, some parameters for tuning.

It is only for Delphi XE (and up) under Win32 by now, but contributors are welcome!
It is used in production since more than half a year, and it passed all FastcodeMM benchmark tests.

If you want a direct link of the today's source code, without SVN, you may try this direct link from our site.
(but it probably will never be updated - you are warned)

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Log to the console

Our framework features an integrated logging class, ready to be enabled for support and statistics.

For debugging purposes, it could be very handy to output the logging content to a console window.
It enables interactive debugging of a Client-Server process, for instance: you can interact with the Client, then look in real time at the server console window, and inspect which requests are processed, without the need to open the log file.

Depending on the events, colors will be used to write the corresponding information. Errors will be displayed as light red, for instance.

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Enhanced Log viewer

We already shipped a sophisticated set of logging classes some month ago.

Since then, its features have been enhanced, and the system has been deeply interfaced with our main ORM framework. Now almost all low-level or high-level operations can be logged on request.

But since the log files tend to be huge (for instance, if you set the logging for our unitary tests, the 6,000,000 unitary tests creates a 280 MB log file), a log viewer was definitively in need.

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Enhanced logging in SynCommons

Logging is everything... unless you never wrote a bug in your program! :)

Let us introduce a new logging class:

  • logging with a set of levels;
  • fast, low execution overhead;
  • can load .map file symbols to be used in logging;
  • compression of .map into binary .mab (900 KB -> 70 KB);
  • inclusion of the .map/.mab into the .exe;
  • reading of an external .map to add unit names and line numbers to a log file without .map available information at execution;
  • exception logging (Delphi or low-level exceptions) with unit names and line numbers;
  • optional stack trace with units and line numbers;
  • methods or procedure recursive tracing, with Enter and auto-Leave;
  • high resolution time stamps, for customer-side profiling of the application execution;
  • set / enumerates / TList / TPersistent / TObjectList / TContainer / dynamic array JSON serialization;
  • per-thread or global logging;
  • multiple log files on the same process;
  • integrated log archival (in zip or any other format);
  • Open Source, works from Delphi 6 up to XE.

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