Tag - generics

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Modern Pascal is Still in the Race

A recent poll on the Lazarus/FPC forum highlighted a fact: pascal coders are older than most coders. Usually, at our age, we should be managers, not developers. But we like coding in pascal. It is still fun after decades!
But does it mean that you should not use pascal for any new project? Are the language/compilers/libraries outdated?
In the company I currently work for, we have young coders, just out-of-school or still-in-school, which joined the team and write great code!

And a recent thread in this very same forum was about comparing languages to implement a REST server, in C#, Go, Scala, TypeScript, Elixir and Rust.
Several pascal versions are about to be contributed, one in which mORMot shines.

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mORMot 2 Generics and Collections

Generics are a clever way of writing some code once, then reuse it for several types.
They are like templates, or compiler-time shortcuts for type definitions.

In the last weeks, we added a new mormot.core.collections.pas unit, which features:

  • JSON-aware IList<> List Storage;
  • JSON-aware IKeyValue<> Dictionary Storage.

In respect to Delphi or FPC RTL generics.collections, this unit uses interfaces as variable holders, and leverage them to reduce the generated code as much as possible, as the Spring4D 2.0 framework does, but for both Delphi and FPC. It publishes TDynArray and TSynDictionary high-level features like indexing, sorting, JSON/binary serialization or thread safety as Generics strong typing.

Resulting performance is great, especially for its enumerators, and your resulting executable size won't blow up as with the regular RTL unit.

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Embed Small and Optimized Debug Information for FPC

Debug information can be generated by compilers, to contain symbols and source code lines. This is very handy to have a meaningful stack trace on any problems like exceptions, at runtime.

The problem is that debug information can be huge. New code style with generics tends to increase this size into a bloated way...
On Delphi, mormot2tests generates a 4MB .map file;
on FPC, mormot2tests outputs a 20MB .dbg file in DWARF.

For Delphi, we propose our own binary .mab format which reduces this 4MB .map file into a 290KB .mab file since mORMot 1.
Now mORMot 2 can reduce a FPC debug file of 20MB into a 322KB .mab file!
And this .mab information can just be appended to the executable for single-file distribution, if needed, during the build. No need to distribute two files, potentially with synchronization issues.

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I do not like people shoot in my foot, do you?

There was some discussion about the new TStringHelper feature introduced in latest versions of Delphi.
I was told to be some kind of archaic guy, not able to see the benefit of this.
Reducing opinions to a conservative/progressive approach - another famous 10 kinds of coders - is very reductive.

Of course, this was IMHO unfair and my point was that I have the feeling that some decisions about the Delphi language and RTL are inadequate.
Some changes are welcome. I enjoy the introduction of generics - even if it is was painful, and even buggy (do not use TList<T> with managed record types in XE8!).
But some upcoming changes about the string policy - breaking everything just because we want to align with mainstream C# or Java habits - are just non sense to me.
I really think that Embarcadero deciders like to shoot their own foot.
Or - certainly worse - our own feet!

I will post here some part of the discussion...
So that we may be able to share our ideas.

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Some thoughts about "modern" pascal, generics, code and data structures

In a comment of a Google+ announcement about new C# features, Stephan did react about my naive enthusiasm about SmartPascal.

Apart from the fact that he did miss the numerous ways of creating Windows executable in this dialect (I quoted at least 5 diverse ways), he was chocked by the fact that the SmartPascal syntax, in its actual idiom, does not support generics.

But are generics mandatory?
I'm not speaking about any drug identified by its chemical name rather than its brand name (Wikipedia).
I would neither comment on the current Delphi implementation of generics (which may appear not so polished, nor very widely used, even in the Delphi RTL/FMX, but for TList<T> TDictionary<>).
Just share some thoughts about what is, to my opinion - which may be wrong and biased! - the most important part of today's programming.

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Delphi XE4 NextGen compiler: using byte instead of ansichar?

When I first read the technical white paper covering all of the language changes in XE4 for mobile development (tied to the new ARM LLVM-based Delphi compiler), I have to confess I was pretty much confused.

Two great mORMot users just asked for XE4/iOS support of mORMot.

Win32/Win64 support for XE4 will be done as soon as we got a copy of it.
I suspect the code already works, since it was working as expected with XE3, and we rely on our own set of low-level functions for most internal work.

But iOS-targetting is more complex, due to the NextGen compiler, mainly.

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Adding some generic-based methods to mORMot

We have just added a TSQLTable.ToObjectList<T: class>() method. I want to add some generics-based methods to mORMot, for newer versions of Delphi. What do you think of it? Have you some method prototypes to propose? My first concern is that FreePascal does not offer the same syntax. I suppose  […]

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