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New AesNiHash for mORMot 2

I have just committed some new AesNiHash32 AesNiHash64 AesNiHash128 Hashers for mORMot 2. They are using AES-NI and SSE4.1 opcodes on x86_64 and i386. This implementation is faster than the fastest SSE4.1 crc32c and with a much higher usability (less collisions). Logic was extracted from the Go  […]

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Data Alignment and Delphi 10.4.1

Some regression has been reported with Delphi 10.4.1 and SynPDF. From the Github issue description: Generating a PDF via VLCCanvas and TPdfDocumentGDI causes access violation when compiled with Delphi 10.4.1 with record field alignment compiler option set to "byte" or "off". When  […]

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