Tag - SynDBExplorer

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HTTP remote access for SynDB SQL execution

For mORMot, we developed a fully feature direct access layer to any RDBMS, implemented in the SynDB.pas unit.

You can use those SynDB classes to execute any SQL statement, without any link to the framework ORM.
At reading, the resulting performance is much higher than using the standard TDataSet component, which is in fact a true performance bottleneck.
It has genuine features, like column access via late-binding, an innovative ISQLDBRows interface, and ability to directly access the low-level binary buffers of the database clients.

We just added a nice feature to those classes: the ability to access remotely, via plain HTTP, to any SynDB supported database!

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SynDBOracle: Open Source native Oracle access

(this is an update of the article published in 2011/07)

For our mORMot framework, and in completion to our SynOleDB unit, we added a new Open Source unit, named SynDBOracle. It allows direct access to any remote Oracle server, using the Oracle Call Interface.

Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is the most comprehensive, high performance, native unmanaged interface to the Oracle Database that exposes the full power of the Oracle Database. We wrote a direct call of the oci.dll library, using our DB abstraction classes introduced for SynOleDB.

We tried to implement all best-practice patterns detailed in the official Building High Performance Drivers for Oracle document

Resulting speed is quite impressive: for all requests, SynDBOracle is 3 to 5 times faster than a SynOleDB connection using the native OleDB Provider supplied by Oracle. We noted also that our implementation is 10 times faster than the one provided with ZEOS/ZDBC, which is far from optimized.

You can use the latest version of the Oracle Instant Client provided by Oracle - see this link - which allows you to run your applications without installing the standard (huge) Oracle client or having an ORACLE_HOME. Just deliver the dll files in the same directory than your application, and it will work.

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SynDBExplorer enhancements

Our SynDBExplorer free tool has been enhanced. A SQL request history has been added to the software. It is now able to handle directly Jet / MSAccess .mdb files. It has also several fixes included (including Oracle direct link), and the internal SQLite3 engine has been updated to its latest  […]

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SynDBExplorer fast direct export

The Open Source SynDBExplorer tool has been enhanced these days.

Main new features are:

  • Execution of the current selected text (if any) instead of the whole memo content;
  • "Exec & Export" new button, for direct export to file.
I really like the selection execution feature - this speed up SQL process a lot, and allow to switch from one statement to another.
And the new exporting features are opening new possibilities.

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SynDBSQLite3: SQLite3 direct access

For our ORM framework, we implemented an efficient SQLite3 wrapper, joining statically (i.e. without any external dll) the SQLite3 engine to the executable. SQLite3 is in fact used as the DB kernel of the framework. For instance, thanks to its unique virtual table mechanism, even tables in other databases (like Oracle or MSSQL) are available as if they were SQLite3 tables.

We just made this wrapper independent from our ORM, in a new dedicated unit, named SynSQLite3.pas.

It was an easy task to let this unit be called from our SynDB database abstract classes.

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