
Using external MinGW/VisualC++ sqlite3.dll - including benchmark

With upcoming revision 1.18 of the framework, our SynSQlite3.pas unit is able to access the SQLite3 engine in two ways:

  • Either statically linked within the project executable;
  • Or from an external sqlite3.dll library file.

The SQLite3 APIs and constants are defined in SynSQlite3.pas, and accessible via a TSQLite3Library class definition. It defines a global sqlite3 variable as such:

  sqlite3: TSQLite3Library;

To use the SQLite3 engine, an instance of TSQLite3Library class shall be assigned to this global variable. Then all mORMot's calls will be made through it, calling e.g. sqlite3.open() instead of sqlite3_open().

There are two implementation classes:

Class Unit Purpose
TSQLite3LibraryStatic SynSQLite3Static.pas Statically linked engine (.obj within the .exe)
TSQLite3LibraryDynamic SynSQLite3.pas Instantiate an external sqlite3.dll instance

Referring to SynSQLite3Static.pas in the uses clause of your project is enough to link the .obj engine into your executable.

Warning - breaking change: before version 1.18 of the framework, link of static .obj was forced - so you must add a reference to SynSQLite3Static in your project uses clause to work as expected.

In order to use an external sqlite3.dll library, you have to set the global sqlite3 variable as such:

 FreeAndNil(sqlite3); // release any previous instance (e.g. static)
 sqlite3 := TSQLite3LibraryDynamic.Create;

Of course, FreeAndNil(sqlite3) is not mandatory, and should be necessary only to avoid any memory leak if another SQLite3 engine instance was allocated (may be the case if SynSQLite3Static is referred somewhere in your project's units).

Here are some benchmarks, compiled with Delphi XE3, run in a 32 bit project, using either the static bcc-compiled engine, or an external sqlite3.dll, compiled via MinGW or Microsoft Visual C++.

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Synopse SQLite3 Framework 1.13

This is a major step for the framework.

Among a lot of new features and bug fixes:

Open Source project, for Delphi 6 up to XE, licensed under a MPL/LGPL/GPL tri-license.

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SQLite3 Framework updated to 1.11 - including engine 3.7.4

The Synopse SQLite3 Database Framework was just released under version 1.11:

- internal SQLite3 database engine is updated to version 3.7.4;
- new TSQLRecordMany to handle "has many" and "has many through" relationships;
- new TSQLRecordFTS4 class, to handle the new FTS4 extension module;
- new RANK() function available in SQL statements for ranking FTS3/FTS4;
- introduces new TSQLite3DB, TSQLite3Statement, TSQLite3Blob, TSQLite3Value and TSQLite3FunctionContext types to clarify SQLite3 internal handle usage;
- new sqlite3_busy_timeout and sqlite3_busy_handler low-level functions, with new TSQLDataBase.BusyTimeout property;
- now handles User Defined Functions, via sqlite3_create_function_v2 and corresponding sqlite3_result_* functions;
- new MOD() and SOUNDEX() functions available in SQL statements;
- a lot of code refactoring, speed improvements, numerous fixes, new methods.

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Full Text Search in the database, using FTS3

Beginning with version 1.9.1 of our SQlite3 framework, you can have a direct access to the FTS3 features of the SQlite3 engine.

A FTS3 table is an SQLite virtual table that allows users to perform full-text searches on a set of documents. The most common (and effective) way to describe full-text searches is "what Google, Yahoo and Altavista do with documents placed on the World Wide Web". Users input a term, or series of terms, perhaps connected by a binary operator or grouped together into a phrase, and the full-text query system finds the set of documents that best matches those terms considering the operators and groupings the user has specified.

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Synopse SQLite3 Framework 1.9.1

The Synopse SQLite3 Database Framework was just released under version 1.9.1:
- internal SQLite3 database engine is updated to version 3.7.2;
- new TSQLRecordFTS3 record, for using FTS3 virtual tables, i.e. implementing full-text search;
- new SQLite3UIEdit unit, to edit table content with a dialog created from RTTI;
- new dedicated BLOB methods and JSON array serialization;
- a lot of fixes and speed enhancements (including our HTTP/1.1 RESTful server now using Thread Pool).

The new 3.7.2 version of the SQLite3 engine, which is mandatory according to SQLite3's authors, is included.

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