We introduced DDD concepts some time ago, in a series of articles in this blog.
At that time, we proposed a simple way of using mORMot types to implement DDD in your applications.
But all Domain Entitities being tied to the framework TSQLRecord class did appear as a limitation, breaking the Persistence Ignorance principle, since it couples the DDD objects to the framework implementation details.

We introduced a new mORMotDDD.pas unit, which is able to easily create CQRS Persistence services for any plain Delphi class (the famous PODOs - Plain Old Delphi Objects).
No need to inherit from TSQLRecord, or pollute your class definition with attributes!

For instance, a TUser class may be persisted via such a service:

  IDomUserCommand = interface(IDomUserQuery)
    function Add(const aAggregate: TUser): TCQRSResult;
    function Update(const aUpdatedAggregate: TUser): TCQRSResult;
    function Delete: TCQRSResult;
    function Commit: TCQRSResult;

Here, the write operations are defined in a IDomUserCommand service, which is separated (but inherits) from IDomUserQuery, which is used for read operations.
Separating reads and writes is a powerful pattern also known as CQRS, i.e. Command Query Responsibility Segregation, which we followed when defining our persistence services.
The framework make it pretty easy to create such services for storing any kind of class type in any SQL or NoSQL engine, with almost no code to write.
Last but not least, using such interface-based services for data persistence will allow to stub or mock the data access layer, making unit testing straightforward: you would not fear to write TDD code any more!

Please refer to our updated documentation for this unique and powerful feature.
You may take a look at the corresponding dddDomUserTypes.pas, dddDomUserCQRS.pas, and dddInfraRepoUser.pas units, detailed as sample reference.
Feedback is welcome in our forum, as usual!