Variant object documents

With _Obj(), an object variant instance will be initialized with data supplied two by two, as Name,Value pairs, e.g.

var V1,V2: variant; // stored as any variant
  V1 := _Obj(['name','John','year',1972]);
  V2 := _Obj(['name','John','doc',_Obj(['one',1,'two',2.5])]); // with nested objects

Then you can convert those objects into JSON, by two means:

  • Using the VariantSaveJson() function, which return directly one UTF-8 content;
  • Or by trans-typing the variant instance into a string (this will be slower, but is possible).
 writeln(VariantSaveJson(V1)); // explicit conversion into RawUTF8
 writeln(V1);                  // implicit conversion from variant into string
 // both commands will write '{"name":"john","year":1982}'
 writeln(VariantSaveJson(V2)); // explicit conversion into RawUTF8
 writeln(V2);                  // implicit conversion from variant into string
 // both commands will write '{"name":"john","doc":{"one":1,"two":2.5}}'

As a consequence, the Delphi IDE debugger is able to display such variant values as their JSON representation.
That is, V1 will be displayed as '"name":"john","year":1982' in the IDE debugger Watch List window, or in the Evaluate/Modify (F7) expression tool.
This is pretty convenient, and much more user friendly than any class-based solution (which requires the installation of a specific design-time package in the IDE).

You can access to the object properties via late-binding, with any depth of nesting objects, in your code:

 writeln('name=',,' year=',V1.year);
 // will write 'name=John year=1972'
 writeln('name=',,'',,' doc.two=',doc.two);
 // will write 'name=John doc.two=2.5 := 'Mark';       // overwrite a property value
 writeln(;        // will write 'Mark'
 V1.age := 12;            // add a property to the object
 writeln(V1.age);         // will write '12'

Note that the property names will be evaluated at runtime only, not at compile time.
For instance, if you write V1.nome instead of, there will be no error at compilation, but an EDocVariant exception will be raised at execution (unless you set the dvoReturnNullForUnknownProperty option to _Obj/_Arr/_Json/_JsonFmt which will return a null variant for such undefined properties).

In addition to the property names, some pseudo-methods are available for such object variant instances:

  writeln(V1._Count); // will write 3 i.e. the number of name/value pairs in the object document
  writeln(V1._Kind);  // will write 1 i.e. ord(sdkObject)
  for i := 0 to V2._Count-1 do
  // will write in the console:
  //  name=John
  //  doc={"one":1,"two":2.5}
  //  age=12
  if V1.Exists('year') then

You may also trans-type your variant instance into a TDocVariantData record, and access directly to its internals.
For instance:

 TDocVariantData(V1).AddValue('comment','Nice guy');
 with TDocVariantData(V1) do             // direct transtyping
   if Kind=sdkObject then                // direct access to the TDocVariantDataKind field
   for i := 0 to Count-1 do              // direct access to the Count: integer field
     writeln(Names[i],'=',Values[i]);    // direct access to the internal storage arrays

By definition, trans-typing via a TDocVariantData record is slightly faster than using late-binding.
But you must ensure that the variant instance is really a TDocVariant kind of data before transtyping e.g. by calling DocVariantType.IsOfType(aVariant).

Variant array documents

With _Arr(), an array variant instance will be initialized with data supplied as a list of Value1,Value2,..., e.g.

var V1,V2: variant; // stored as any variant
  V1 := _Arr(['John','Mark','Luke']);
  V2 := _Obj(['name','John','array',_Arr(['one','two',2.5])]); // as nested array

Then you can convert those objects into JSON, by two means:

  • Using the VariantSaveJson() function, which return directly one UTF-8 content;
  • Or by trans-typing the variant instance into a string (this will be slower, but is possible).
 writeln(V1);  // implicit conversion from variant into string
 // both commands will write '["John","Mark","Luke"]'
 writeln(V2);  // implicit conversion from variant into string
 // both commands will write '{"name":"john","array":["one","two",2.5]}'

As a with any object document, the Delphi IDE debugger is able to display such array variant values as their JSON representation.

Late-binding is also available, with a special set of pseudo-methods:

  writeln(V1._Count); // will write 3 i.e. the number of items in the array document
  writeln(V1._Kind);  // will write 2 i.e. ord(sdkArray)
  for i := 0 to V1._Count-1 do
  // will write in the console:
  //  John John
  //  Mark Mark
  //  Luke Luke
  if V1.Exists('John') then
    writeln('John found in array');

Of course, trans-typing into a TDocVariantData record is possible, and will be slightly faster than using late-binding.

Create variant object or array documents from JSON

With _Json() or _JsonFmt(), either a document or array variant instance will be initialized with data supplied as JSON, e.g.

var V1,V2,V3,V4: variant; // stored as any variant
  V1 := _Json('{"name":"john","year":1982}'); // strict JSON syntax
  V2 := _Json('{name:"john",year:1982}');     // with MongoDB extended syntax for names
  V3 := _Json('{"name":?,"year":?}',[],['john',1982]);
  V4 := _JsonFmt('{%:?,%:?}',['name','year'],['john',1982]);
  // all commands will write '{"name":"john","year":1982}'

Of course, you can nest objects or arrays as parameters to the _JsonFmt() function.

The supplied JSON can be either in strict JSON syntax, or with the MongoDB extended syntax, i.e. with unquoted property names.
It could be pretty convenient and also less error-prone when typing in the Delphi code to forget about quotes around the property names of your JSON.

Note that TDocVariant implements an open interface for adding any custom extensions to JSON: for instance, if the SynMongoDB.pas unit is defined in your application, you will be able to create any MongoDB specific types in your JSON, like ObjectID(), new Date() or even /regex/option.

As a with any object or array document, the Delphi IDE debugger is able to display such variant values as their JSON representation.

Per-value or per-reference

By default, the variant instance created by _Obj() _Arr() _Json() _JsonFmt() will use a copy-by-value pattern.
It means that when an instance is affected to another variable, a new variant document will be created, and all internal values will be copied. Just like a record type.

This will imply that if you modify any item of the copied variable, it won't change the original variable:

var V1,V2: variant;
 V1 := _Obj(['name','John','year',1972]);
 V2 := V1;                // create a new variant, and copy all values := 'James';      // modifies, but not
 writeln(,' and ',;
 // will write 'John and James'

As a result, your code will be perfectly safe to work with, since V1 and V2 will be uncoupled.

But one drawback is that passing such a value may be pretty slow, for instance, when you nest objects:

var V1,V2: variant;
 V1 := _Obj(['name','John','year',1972]);
 V2 := _Arr(['John','Mark','Luke']);
 V1.names := V2; // here the whole V2 array will be re-allocated into V1.names

Such a behavior could be pretty time and resource consuming, in case of a huge document.

All _Obj() _Arr() _Json() _JsonFmt() functions have an optional TDocVariantOptions parameter, which allows to change the behavior of the created TDocVariant instance, especially setting dvoValueCopiedByReference.

This particular option will set the copy-by-reference pattern:

var V1,V2: variant;
 V1 := _Obj(['name','John','year',1972],[dvoValueCopiedByReference]);
 V2 := V1;             // creates a reference to the V1 instance := 'James';   // modifies, but also
 writeln(,' and ',;
 // will write 'James and James'

You may think this behavior is somewhat weird for a variant type. But if you forget about per-value objects and consider those TDocVariant types as a Delphi class instance (which is a per-reference type), without the need of having a fixed schema nor handling manually the memory, it will probably start to make sense.

Note that a set of global functions have been defined, which allows direct creation of documents with per-reference instance lifetime, named _ObjFast() _ArrFast() _JsonFast() _JsonFmtFast().
Those are just wrappers around the corresponding _Obj() _Arr() _Json() _JsonFmt() functions, with the following JSON_OPTIONS[true] constant passed as options parameter:

  /// some convenient TDocVariant options
  // - JSON_OPTIONS[false] is _Json() and _JsonFmt() functions default
  // - JSON_OPTIONS[true] are used by _JsonFast() and _JsonFastFmt() functions
  JSON_OPTIONS: array[Boolean] of TDocVariantOptions = (

When working with complex documents, e.g. with BSON / MongoDB documents, almost all content will be created in "fast" per-reference mode.

Advanced TDocVariant process

Object or array document creation options

As stated above, a TDocVariantOptions parameter enables to define the behavior of a TDocVariant custom type for a given instance.
Please refer to the documentation of this set of options to find out the available settings. Some are related to the memory model, other to case-sensitivity of the property names, other to the behavior expected in case of non-existing property, and so on...

Note that this setting is local to the given variant instance.

In fact, TDocVariant does not force you to stick to one memory model nor a set of global options, but you can use the best pattern depending on your exact process.
You can even mix the options - i.e. including some objects as properties in an object created with other options - but in this case, the initial options of the nested object will remain. So you should better use this feature with caution.

You can use the _Unique() global function to force a variant instance to have an unique set of options, and all nested documents to become by-value, or _UniqueFast() for all nested documents to become by-reference.

  // assuming V1='{"name":"James","year":1972}' created by-reference
  _Unique(V1);             // change options of V1 to be by-value
  V2 := V1;                // creates a full copy of the V1 instance := 'John';       // modifies, but not
  writeln(;        // write 'James'
  writeln(;        // write 'John'
  V1 := _Arr(['root',V2]); // created as by-value by default, as V2 was
  writeln(V1._Count);      // write 2
  _UniqueFast(V1);         // change options of V1 to be by-reference
  V2 := V1;
  V1._(1).name := 'Jim';
  // both commands will write '["root",{"name":"Jim","year":1972}]'

The easiest is to stick to one set of options in your code, i.e.:

  • Either using the _*() global functions if your business code does send some TDocVariant instances to any other part of your logic, for further storage: in this case, the by-value pattern does make sense;
  • Or using the _*Fast() global functions if the TDocVariant instances are local to a small part of your code, e.g. used as schema-less Data Transfer Objects (DTO).

In all cases, be aware that, like any class type, the const, var and out specifiers of method parameters does not behave to the TDocVariant value, but to its reference.

Integration with other mORMot units

In fact, whenever a schema-less storage structure is needed, you may use a TDocVariant instance instead of class or record strong-typed types:

  • Client-Server ORM will support TDocVariant in any of the TSQLRecord variant published properties;
  • Interface-based services will support TDocVariant as variant parameters of any method, which make them as perfect DTO;
  • Since JSON support is implemented with any TDocVariant value from the ground up, it makes a perfect fit for working with AJAX clients, in a script-like approach;
  • If you use our SynMongoDB.pas unit to access a MongoDB server, TDocVariant will be the native storage to create or access BSON arrays or objects documents;
  • Cross-cutting features (like logging or record / dynamic array enhancements) will also benefit from this TDocVariant custom type.

We are pretty convinced that when you will start playing with TDocVariant, you won't be able to live without it any more.
It introduces the full power of late-binding and schema-less patterns to your application, which can be pretty useful for prototyping or in Agile development.
You do not need to use scripting engines like Python or JavaScript to have this feature, if you need it.

Feedback and comments are welcome in our forum, as usual!