The main reference is the Barry Kelly article: An ugly alternative to interface to object casting.

Here is a re-factored version, as included in our SQlite3Commons.pas unit. It will use the as operator for newer versions, but use fast pascal code for compilers which do not support this syntax.

{$ifndef ISDELPHI2010}
  TObjectFromInterfaceStub = packed record
    Stub: cardinal;
    case integer of
    0: (ShortJmp: shortint);
    1: (LongJmp:  longint)
  PObjectFromInterfaceStub = ^TObjectFromInterfaceStub;

/// low-level function to retrieve the class instance implementing a given // interface function ObjectFromInterface(const aValue: IInterface): TObject; {$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin if aValue=nil then begin result := nil; exit; end; {$ifdef ISDELPHI2010} result := aValue as TObject; // slower but always working {$else} with PObjectFromInterfaceStub(PPointer(PPointer(aValue)^)^)^ do case Stub of $04244483: result := pointer(PtrInt(aValue)+ShortJmp); $04244481: result := pointer(PtrInt(aValue)+LongJmp); else result := nil; end; {$endif} end;

I suspect you'll find the resulting code more easy to read (perhaps not to understand), than the original.

Of course, we added support to out TInterfacedObjectFake fake class used to implement Interface-based services in mORMot, as such:

    with PObjectFromInterfaceStub(PPointer(PPointer(aValue)^)^)^ do
    case Stub of // address of VMT[0] entry, i.e. QueryInterface 
      $04244483: result := pointer(PtrInt(aValue)+ShortJmp);
      $04244481: result := pointer(PtrInt(aValue)+LongJmp);
      if Stub=PCardinal(@TInterfacedObjectFake.FakeQueryInterface)^ then
        result := TInterfacedObjectFake(pointer(aValue)).SelfFromInterface else
        result := nil;

In its implementation, the as operator is able to find out the object implementing our TInterfacedObjectFake "virtual class".
In all cases, above code is very efficient, and will be easy to maintain.