Do PC hardware manufacturers or Microsoft lie when they say that the new “PC Model 1234″ or “Office 3000″ will definitively help your children pass their exam, because they will produce nice looking presentations in a few clicks?
I can understand that lying to the masses to sell high-tech products like
some “magic powder” is pretty common.
Even if the products are not needed by the customers (you shall better let your
children read good books and practice their exercises).
This has been done since Abel. Or even Adam. " But the serpent said to the
woman: "You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you
eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is
good and what is bad.""
Ah... the good old apple story... even before Jobs...
But I did not understand at first when some low-level technology vendors
like RO or EMB are streaming such statements in their web sites.
(I dislike the fact that RO says that their products are unique in the market –
there are other ORM and Client-Server solutions around for Delphi, including
Open Source, and some are worth
looking at)
Microsoft does force most software architecture to embrace their
ecosystem, and pay for it, whereas there are good
alternatives around.
Apple does force you to pass through iTunes ("tunes" is
a familiar word for "money" in French) to install your own
I'm always amazed how every proprietary software system is always perfect when
you are listening at marketers... until a set of patches is released,
or a major (not free) upgrade is needed to fix issues and enhance
Then I did remember that in most companies, those making decisions do not
know a clue about technology.
I’ve seen managers and HR specialist hiring people to be technical leader on
Java applications because they did have JavaScript in their résumé (sic).
Most companies did take the .Net
turn some years ago, leaving
Delphi, because they were told to. WinForms was poor, when compared to
VCL. But it was told to be better. Amen.
Now the same people are still thinking that Delphi is a dead technology, for
years. They do not know it is maintained, alive and now cross-platform.
FireMonkey, at least, turned the light back on Delphi.
Managers are still doubtful about it. But at least, they heard back from
I would be happy is some small projects like mORMot would help
them reconsider using Delphi for complex and big projects, since it is now
Domain-Driven Design
So if Delphi is to be widely used because of some marketing half-truth, what else?
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