Implemented features
Here are the key features of the current implementation of services using interfaces in the Synopse mORMot framework:
Feature | Remarks |
Service Orientation | Allow loosely-coupled relationship |
Design by contract | Data Contracts are defined in Delphi code as standard
interface custom types |
Factory driven | Get an implementation instance from a given interface |
Server factory | You can get an implementation on the server side |
Client factory | You can get a "fake" implementation on the client side, remotely calling the server to execute the process |
Auto marshaling | The contract is transparently implemented: no additional code is needed e.g. on the client side, and will handle simple types (strings, numbers, dates, sets and enumerations) and high-level types (objects, collections, records, dynamic arrays) from Delphi 6 up to XE2 |
Flexible | Methods accept per-value or per-reference parameters |
Instance lifetime | An implementation class can be: - Created on every call, - Shared among all calls, - Shared for a particular user or group, - Stay alive as long as the client-side interface is not released, - or as long as an authentication session exists |
Stateless | Following a standard request/reply pattern |
Signed | The contract is checked to be consistent before any remote execution |
Secure | Every service and/or methods can be enabled or disabled on need |
Safe | Using extended RESTful authentication |
Multi-hosted (with DMZ) |
Services are hosted by default within the main ORM server, but can have their own process, with a dedicated connection to the ORM core |
Broker ready | Service meta-data can be optionally revealed by the server |
Multiple transports | All Client-Server protocols of mORMot are available, i.e. direct in-process connection, GDI messages, named pipes, TCP/IP-HTTP |
JSON based | Transmitted data uses JavaScript Object Notation |
Routing choice | Services are identified either at the URI level (the RESTful way), either in a JSON-RPC model (the AJAX way) |
AJAX and RESTful | JSON and HTTP combination allows services to be consumed from AJAX rich clients |
Light & fast | Performance and memory consumption are very optimized, in order to ensure scalability and ROI |
How to make services
The typical basic tasks to perform are the following:
- Define the service contract;
- Implement the contract;
- Configure and host the service;
- Build a client application.
Continue reading...
This article is part of a list of other blog articles, extracted from the official Synopse mORMot framework documentation:- Interface based services;
- Defining a data contract;
- Service side implementation;
- Using services on the Client or Server sides;
- Interface based services implementation details;
- WCF, mORMot and Event Sourcing.
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