Implemented features

Here are the key features of the current implementation of services using interfaces in the Synopse mORMot framework:

Feature Remarks
Service Orientation Allow loosely-coupled relationship
Design by contract Data Contracts are defined in Delphi code as standard interface custom types
Factory driven Get an implementation instance from a given interface
Server factory You can get an implementation on the server side
Client factory You can get a "fake" implementation on the client side, remotely calling the server to execute the process
Auto marshaling The contract is transparently implemented: no additional code is needed e.g. on the client side, and will handle simple types (strings, numbers, dates, sets and enumerations) and high-level types (objects, collections, records, dynamic arrays) from Delphi 6 up to XE2
Flexible Methods accept per-value or per-reference parameters
Instance lifetime An implementation class can be:
- Created on every call,
- Shared among all calls,
- Shared for a particular user or group,
- Stay alive as long as the client-side interface is not released,
- or as long as an authentication session exists
Stateless Following a standard request/reply pattern
Signed The contract is checked to be consistent before any remote execution
Secure Every service and/or methods can be enabled or disabled on need
Safe Using extended RESTful authentication
(with DMZ)
Services are hosted by default within the main ORM server, but can have their own process, with a dedicated connection to the ORM core
Broker ready Service meta-data can be optionally revealed by the server
Multiple transports All Client-Server protocols of mORMot are available, i.e. direct in-process connection, GDI messages, named pipes, TCP/IP-HTTP
JSON based Transmitted data uses JavaScript Object Notation
Routing choice Services are identified either at the URI level (the RESTful way), either in a JSON-RPC model (the AJAX way)
AJAX and RESTful JSON and HTTP combination allows services to be consumed from AJAX rich clients
Light & fast Performance and memory consumption are very optimized, in order to ensure scalability and ROI

How to make services

The typical basic tasks to perform are the following:
- Define the service contract;
- Implement the contract;
- Configure and host the service;
- Build a client application.

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This article is part of a list of other blog articles, extracted from the official Synopse mORMot framework documentation:

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