
Join Us in Nederlands for a Coffee and More

The INTERNATIONAL PASCAL CAFE 2025 will take place at UTRECHT (IJSSELSTEIN), in Nederlands.

We are delighted to be part of the event, and speak about our little mORMot.

Address and route: Touwlaan/Eiteren, Touwlaan 36. Parking: at the same address Price: 50,– ex VAT (btw) / Lunch & Coffee included :)

The program will start at 10.00 and end at 17.00 hours.


As a guest speaker, I will explain about Mormot together with Alfred Glaenzer (LongDirtyAnimal Alf), well-known of FPCUpDeLUXE. :)

Also on the great menu:

Mattias Gaertner / Michael van Canneyt (from the FPC/Lazarus team) Cocoa Backend (Mac), Linux (GTK3), Win 32 (Native Windows without LCL) Editfield / Buttons / ComboBox / CSS Styles – available in Object Inspector

The Edit component is now under construction. We need this component as a basis because its technique is embedded in a great number of other components. Difficult to construct but very important. We have planned to show a little app created in Fresnel

Lazarus Artificial Intelligence: How to build and handle it and use it for your own purposes in Delphi and Lazarus.

We will, of course, show the latest version Lazarus.

Another topic: the use of the Extended RTTI in Pas2JS.

Exciting times! For more than a coffee.


Making a PRNG with AES

mORMot is a general purpose Open Source library, which features some advanced cryptographic primitives. It is written in modern object pascal, with some assembly for its core process. It is used since years in several security-sensitive projects, and has been audited internally by at least one billion dollar company.

We already spoke about this a few years ago. In the meanwhile, the implementation details of our CSPRNG (Cryptographically Secure Pseudorandom Number Generator), as it is currently in the mORMot 2 repository, have been tuned and proven. Time to share some more information.

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The Marmots Wish You a Merry Christmas

Just a small post to wish you all..

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Release of mORMot 2.3 Stable

It is time for a new mORMot release!

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Some Rodents in the State of Denmark

Since decades, Delphi has user groups everywhere, from Australia to Austria, from Russia to California.
I will join the DAPUG (Database Application Programmers Users Group), which is the Danish Delphi user Group, in the next weeks, for two exciting days of Workshop.

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Swagger/OpenAPI Client Generator for Delphi and FPC

OpenAPI, which was formerly called Swagger, is a set of specifications to encode the server API endpoints definitions into text, mostly JSON.
From this reference text, you can generate client code to access the service, in a vast number of languages.

Delphi seems to be far behind other languages, in terms of this code generation. I found nothing even working for FPC.
Since we needed it for our internal tools at Tranquil IT, we just published the new mormot.net.openapi.pas Open Source unit, which is quite a game changer. Thanks Andreas for starting this project, and testing it in its early age!

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IDocList/IDocDict JSON for Delphi and FPC

Since years, our Open Source mORMot framework offers several ways to work with any combination of arrays/objects documents defined at runtime, e.g. via JSON, with a lot of features, and very high performance.

Our TDocVariant custom variant type is a powerful way of working with such schema-less data, but it was found confusing by some users.
So we developed a new set of interface definitions around it, to ease its usage, without sacrificing its power. We modelized them around Python Lists and Dictionaries, which is proven ground - with some extensions of course.

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Happy New Year 2024 and Welcome MGET

Last year 2023 was perhaps not the best ever, and, just after Christmas, we think about all people we know still in war or distress.
But in the small mORMot world, 2023 was a fine millesima. A lot of exciting features, a pretty good rank in benchmarks, and a proof of being ready for the next decade.

For this new year, we would like to introduce you to a new mORMot baby: the mget command line tool, a HTTP/HTTPS web client with peer-to-peer caching.
It is just a wrapper around a set of the new PeerCache feature, built-in the framework web client class - so you can use it in your own projects if you need to.

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