Address and route: Touwlaan/Eiteren, Touwlaan 36.
Parking: at the same address
Price: 50,– ex VAT (btw) / Lunch & Coffee included
The program will start at 10.00 and end at 17.00 hours.
As a guest speaker, I will explain about Mormot together with Alfred Glaenzer (LongDirtyAnimal Alf), well-known of FPCUpDeLUXE.
Also on the great menu:
Mattias Gaertner / Michael van Canneyt (from the FPC/Lazarus team) Cocoa Backend (Mac), Linux (GTK3), Win 32 (Native Windows without LCL) Editfield / Buttons / ComboBox / CSS Styles – available in Object Inspector
The Edit component is now under construction. We need this component as a basis because its technique is embedded in a great number of other components. Difficult to construct but very important. We have planned to show a little app created in Fresnel
Lazarus Artificial Intelligence: How to build and handle it and use it for your own purposes in Delphi and Lazarus.
We will, of course, show the latest version Lazarus.
Another topic: the use of the Extended RTTI in Pas2JS.
Exciting times! For more than a coffee.